Seven Powerful Selfcare Secrets of Optimists


Did you know immunity and optimism go hand in hand? Did you know optimistic people have a stronger immune system and a strong immune system makes you happier and more positive? It’s like positivity and good health go hand in hand.

If you are healthy, you are happy and when you are happy its easier to be healthy. A healthy and happy mind go hand in hand. If you are in India you are in Lockdown. In fact, if you are anywhere in the world you are in Lockdown.

Today I will share the seven secrets that will help you stay healthy. But don’t forget self-quarantine, handwashing and social distancing.
Listen to the post Seven powerful Selfcare secrets of Optimists

Seven Powerful Selfcare Secrets of Optimists

They never skip Sleep.

This is crucial. When you sleep less, your brain plays tricks on you and you worry more. So, sleep on time and get up on time. Okay maybe sleep for a little longer. But have those eight hours of shut-eye if you want to feel all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

They drink plenty of water.

Hydration is important to keep you feeling good, energetic and happy. It’s also important for your morning nature calls. If your bowels are working fine, your mind will too. The gut health and happy mind are related and I have proof.

They eat simple and healthy meals.

You don’t need fancy food and elaborate meals. Simple is good for the body. It’s also easier to digest and feel better, when your body is not weighed down by excess calories. Nutrition and immunity are closely related.

They meditate for at least 20 minutes every day.

Meditation improves our coping capacity. It helps you tap into your inner super power.Its the best way to find the centering forces. Meditation and yoga have a lasting effect on lowering stress and boosting immunity.

Exercise is a part of their life.

You can walk, garden, run or do freehand exercise and yoga to keep your body, strong, supple and healthy.

They read a lot.

Books will help you stay happy and maybe learn something new. Books help keep your mind occupied, which will stop you from worrying about things not in your hands.

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Apollo Pro Health

They have hobbies.

You can start one today. Write down your thoughts in a diary or start a blog. You don’t have to spend money. You can start on WordPress for free. If you like it then you never know. You can start a Thankfulness journal. It takes 21 days to make a good habit stick and this is as a good a time, as any.

We are all in this together and the best way to survive this is to remember to take one day at a time. Stay positive and stay heal

I have never heard of a happy negative person though! Have you?

What kind of a person are you?Let me know in the comments below.

Selfcare SECRETS

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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.


  1. Thanks for the reminder! I’m finding my fuse is very short with my kids lately. I need to intentionally be more optimistic… I’m listening to a book called, “Fight Back with Joy” so that should help!

  2. I never realized this but I’ve been following your list without knowing that’s what makes my happy and positive. I have to work on drinking more water though!

  3. I still have so much work to do. I can be good in some areas, but forget to drink water. Thank you for these reminders!

  4. Interesting post, Amrita. I was hooked from the heading itself and I must say that i agree with all the points you’ve mentioned. They are absolutely correct and effective. Thank you for bringing such informative content for your readers. Happy A2Zing 🙂

  5. Meditation is very helpful for mind body and soul. All the seven secrets are very powerful. A very important post for our health.

  6. Studies show that optimism is strongly related to one’s health. The post offers quick reminders to tune the mind to positive thinking. Enjoyed the read.

  7. Lovely post! I’d like to think I’m an optimist and I do follow most of these simple steps!

  8. Very rightly pointed out! And so relevant. Positivity and optimism do boost immunity. Thank you for this piece of information.

  9. I follow almost all of these. And I have seen the positive of these habits. We feel energized, uplifted from within.

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