Poila Baisakh is a feeling full of nostalgia.If you are anywhere outside West Bengal,you will definitely miss the food crazy chaos that happens in Bengali households,communities everywhere.But with busy lifestyle cooking up elaborate meals for friends and family on Poila Baisakh becomes a thing of the past while we go searching for nostalgic Bengali food at popular eating haunts.
Luckily this time we managed to be in Kolkata ,with family .One big problem there was a heat wave alert.It was forty degree Fahrenheit but feeling like forty four.We wanted to stay indoors ,but cooking at home wouldn’t be feasible.
I wanted to chat,eat good food( Bengali traditional cuisine), and just chill .The just chill part meant fully functional air conditioning was a prerequisite. Where else but a five star restaurant known for its hospitality and good food?

Westin is a beautiful location to visit.Last time I visited,it was October.I had memories of a beautiful weather ,delicious buffet,perfect hospitality and ambience. But on Poila Baisakh there was a heart break.
It is very hot in Kolkata right now. You understand heat is the culprit here,by the number of times I repeated about this.
We set out early for our 1.30pm o 1.45 pm buffet lunch option on the 15th of April.Poila Baisakh or the Bengali New Year is very big on the gastronomic calendar .So my sister checked the dine out options and liked the buffet at J.W Mariott and Westin.While calling up for reservations, the menu on offer at Westin was more to our liking.
It was to include,Tel koi,chingri malai kari,Ilish Bhapa amongst many others. Well my family loves fish and overindulge with fish was okay even in summers. So we set booked a table for six looking for a lip-smacking start to our new year.
Greeting Guests
Unlike the ashtami ambience, there was no one greeting or guiding the guests.The restaurant at tenth floor had only one elevator running for visitors.The other lift seemed to be out of order or maybe just reserved for guests.It was unmanned and no help for families needing wheel chair assistance. That made me frown a little. But I was determined to not let anything spoil my mood.
The Restaurant first look
We arrived at the restaurant and there was no one at the front desk.Sorry there was someone but he was not in charge .We spotted a pretty young lady with a board which seemed to have people’s names jotted down.Another family had arrived just then and as both of us told her about our reservation and she looked down at her list and for some reason failed to note our name higher up on the list and directed the other six membered family to a corner while we were left loitering .
The restaurant scene was a little stuffy ,overcrowded and no one seemed to be in charge even though several young men and women hurried about looking very scared and totally run off their feet.
Now the Food
An elaborate vegetarian,non-vegetarian and dessert section welcomed us.But everything seemed to have run out .Lots of traditional fries and fritters but not many Bengali delicacy per se.Very staple buffet food overall Disappointment tugged at my heart string .But I was determined to have a good time.
My favorites were macher bora( fritters of fish in a thin batter),mangsher bora (fritters of mutton/chicken in a thin batter),a chocolate dessert whose name was not written and soon went out of supply.The ice cream sandesh was a hit.The Mutton biriyani saved the day for the rest of the gang.
There was no Tel koi or Ilish(Hilsa) in any form.I asked to avoid missing the item in the flurry.The prawn was frozen staple in a runny curry which had no flavor .The mutton curry was a serious disappointment. The pabda fish was overfried and lost its glory.The fried chicken smelled off,the mishti doi was tasty but was hot!
What’s for dessert?
There was sandesh (Bengali sweets) of various types,Mihidana, mishti doi,cakes,pies,ice creams .
The problem with the dessert section was it was right next to the hot kitchen and live cooking counter(crazy right?) and was spoiling and melting fast but no one seemed to notice.I tried cutting of a piece of banana and chocolate pie but the crust was way too hard.I gave up trying and requested a lady attendant to help me.Unfotunately even she couldn’t cut a slice of the pie and looked at me sadly while struggling with it.I smiled my gratitude and decided to try something else.
But suddenly I realized all the dessert adventures was making me feel hot and light heated .It was literally that bad an air conditioning. I went back at my table trying to decide whether to complain right away or write about it(complain later).
It was poila baisakh ,new year and these young men and women were struggling to give service under conditions which were difficult.The management was definitely sub par to allow such poor ventilation and air conditioning(the heat was bad) in a five star restaurant which was either over booked or the booking was poorly planned.
My gratitude to all those who served us on that very hot day .The kitchen must have been impossible to work in.I survived the lunch, then went down to the lobby to take some family pictures. I over-heard a lady and her companion talk about how she was sure the AC was cut off.At 1699 INR per head plus taxes they can definitely focus on quality of food served and the air conditioning if nothing else.

At one point I talked to an official-looking man about whether there was a problem with the AC. I pointed out, that he was sweating profusely and the AC probably needed readjusting. He walked away while promising to look into it. He failed to appear anywhere near us for the rest of the time. The Air-conditioning failed to work too.
The next time when I visit a restaurant, I won’t visit one at the top of a high rise on a summer day for lunch.I will avoid buffets.I will continue to wear sensible shoes. The last one saved the day as we took multiple trips to and fro from the table.
This is a story of hopes and dreams being dashed at the altar of heat, humidity, lack of planning, untrained staff, and shocking lack of coordination.
Westin continues to be a favorite place to visit, but it needs to check its game plan if it doesn’t want to lose long-time loyal customers.

A Shubo Nabobarsho to all of my friends and family in the real world and digital media world .Hope you earn a lot,and plant a lot of trees and stay healthy and happy . This is my P post. Writing this with the BlogchatterAtoZ friend and the Ultimate Blog Challenge friends.