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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on
By Anuprita Misra on 2
Hi! This is Miss A.Misra here again to give you a book review on-The Storm keeper’s island by Catherine Doyle.
This book was given to me by a friend on my birthday. I was saving all my new books to read later after the exam, and I started with this one yesterday, and finished it some time ago.
This certain book was totally engaging and had me hooked from the first line. It has the tongue-in-cheek ironic humour yet the deep dark secrets of Arranmore island poke through and get straight to you.
The Storm keeper’s island is about a magical island called Arranmore ( you must have understood that in the last line, though!) where a boy called Fionn and his sister Tara ( very annoying, might add, but gets nicer.) go to their grandfather. Fionn’s sister refuses to tell him anything ( typical) and goes off with her friend Bartley and his younger sister, Shelby. Shelby is quite nice and obviously Fionn thinks she is better than her good for nothing, rich brother.
There is a secret about Arranmore island. It has a stormkeeper, who controls, manipulates and has reign over the weather, storm, sun and sea. This storm keeper is chosen by the wishing tree given by Dagda, the great conqueror. The current stormkeeper is Fionn and Tara’s grandfather!(OMG)
He controls the great area by pouring magic into a candle, and harnessing the power within him. But he is slowly fading away, losing power and memory. It is time for a new keeper. But who will get there first? Fionn or Bartley?
Meanwhile, an evil magician woman called Morrigan was confined deep into the ground by Dagda the Great, over thousands of years ago. She is still waiting for the prophecy to complete ” I shall reign when the boy rises”. Fionn feels her presence, ever so closely now, along with the eyes of the Secret Soulstalkers, Morrigan’s old army who have returned.
This book has a cliffhanger ending, and has a second part which is a book I don’t have yet.
My opinion? Well, this is an absolute must read! I have no complaints about this book, except it might need to explain some things a bit better. Its slightly confusing in some parts.
This is part of Bookchatter and #TBRChallenge
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 0
We all have blue days. Be it a Monday, Tuesday or any other day of the week.My go to therapy for beating the blues is literally a dose of green.Going for a walk in a garden will be a confirmed mood booster.
Even watering my balcony plants helps me beat the gloom and doom.But sometimes things do get tiring . Whatever anyone says sometimes there’s only one way to choose,that’s forward. One can’t really go back and expect things to be the same or different according to one’s own will.
That’s why I believe you need to learn to conjure a patronus for those gloomy days.
What if you don’t have a powerful childhood happy memory?What if you are a child and can’t find a happy memory to draw the patronus from?That’s what Harry Potter taught a generation of children reading Harry Potter growing up.
It’s never too late to create your happy memory.Help will always be given to those who ask for it .We can all be a Phoenix and your super power may be being your best self.
But I am getting the cart ,in front of the horse. For those who grew up without reading Harry Potter(the movie watchers won’t really feel this), conjuring a patronus was one of the best magic spells the kids at Hogwarts learned. Regular schools don’t offer such education and you will be hard-pressed to find a book explaining how to conjure one.
But let me explain it to you
1. You need a magic wand and preferably have a little magic in you.
2.You need a very strong bright happy memory.
3.You need to know the spell.For that, you can read the book or I will share the incantation with you. Its expecto patronus.
So whenever Harry had to fight the dementors or happiness suckers, the only way to drive them away was this super powerful happiness-powered patronus which could disperse the horrible dementors.
If low moods are lack of self-motivation is keeping you back,you need to conjure your patronus to get going.
Remember that perfect summer holiday or the Durga puja with family? Remember what happened last December? Remember the first time you saw your spouse? Remember, making your first friend, and growing your first flower, fruit, and vegetables? Remember publishing your first blog post , or book ? All those are powerful seeds of super happy memories.
It’s very easy to get pulled down into a vortex of what-ifs. It’s even easier to blame those closest to us and even self-blame. None of which will help. What will help you conjure your patronus and fight your dementors is accepting that the now requires gratitude and you are probably living your dream in more ways than one.
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 2
The theme for World Sleep day is Sleep Equity.As an ENT surgeon, many of the chronic conditions I treat,have a relationship with poor sleep quality.
Snoring, sinusitis,laryngo pharyngeal reflux can all disturb sleep quality.The best way to ensure Sleep Equity is to ensure that people know what can help with good Sleep.
That’s the most difficult part for many people, including children.If parents don’t set a good example by following a strict bedtime routine(within limits),then it’s easy to get set into a bad habit of late night movies-waking up late-afternoon naps-sleeplessness -late night again-vicious cycle.But why is this a vicious cycle and needs to be curbed?
When you skip sleep, you don’t let your body go into the much needed rest-repair-rejuvenate mode.Just like the best sports car can’t be driven at maximum speed 24/7/365 ,so too your body.Plus unlike the car you are human.In people with sleep apnea have multiple diseases crop up like hypertension,diabetes,obesity. Wilful sleeplessness may trigger the same health problems.In case you don’t sleep enough, your cortisol level stays elevated all the time.That’s one of the stress hormones which you can fight simply by sleeping seven to eight hours a day.
Your body has a clock .It’s called the circadian clock.Its actually set to the sun and people in ancient times used to rise with the sun and go to bed when it was dark.That was a different time but even now a habit of timely bedtime routine will help you plan your days better too.The circadian clock signals the release of the hormones which keep our body coping .
A gap of atleast 2 hours between your last meal and bedtime is a must .For this having an early dinner is best .Before 8 pm is preferred and if you want to lower the elevated insulin levels, then earlier you have your dinner the better it is.There’s something called the circadian rhythm of insulin and that is best respected.
Insulin lowest between 12am to 6 am.Then starts rising again and Insulin is maximum between 12pm to 6 pm.Late night eating binges causes greater chance of Diabetes,obesity,chronic inflammation and the horror of metabolic syndrome.
Plasma melatonin levels peak in the direction opposite to insulin and is indeed the sleep hormone whom you don’t want to trouble.
Avoid screen time close to bedtime .Instead opt for reading a book ,soothing music.
Exercise one hour atleast every day at a suitable time.Stay active through out the day.
Afternoon Naps
you do take should be short and not more than 20 minutes
Bedroom should be dark and cool free from outside noise
Invest in a good mattress.
Don’t take your Vitamin D close to bedtime. instead take it in the morning.Vitamin D is a hormone and it opposes the action of melatonin the sleep hormone. So it’s best to take it during the day .
Pray or practice gratitude.
Don’t have stressful conversations right before bedtime .
Help someone out every day .Practice a little of kindness daily. That will help you sleep better every night
A good night’s sleep is the best way to a healthy, happy life.Wishing you a good night’s sleep everyday .
Disclaimer: This article is meant to help create awareness and spread knowledge. All decision regarding your health should be done after consultation with your doctor. While all efforts are made to keep articles updated the speed of research in these fields mean the information often may change when more research knowledge is available. Healthwealthbridge or the authors should be in no way held responsible in that case. This is a sponsored post but all opinions are strictly mine.Read my full disclosure here.
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 0
Sleep Equity Poster for World Sleep Day
As a society we all believe in success.The biggest pitfall of being blinded by chasing success is forgetting to appreciate the importance of health in being successful and enjoying the fruits of success.
At the altar of education,work ,career growth what falls victim, is sleep. Parenthood brings inevitable and unavoidable sleep challenges but the other causes need a rethink.
I often hear parents talking about how hard their kids are studying and staying awake until 2am/ 4 am in the morning, then going to sleep for a few hours!That’s an impossible situation and not sustainable. Healthy bed time routine shouldn’t be compromised.More about that,mental health and what you can do as an alternative is the topic of my next editorial blog post.
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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 0
The Spiritual Anatomy by Daaji is my book for review today.
A serial entrepreneur turned spiritual guide whose Happiness journey is quite interesting and can make a very good story for the big screen.But saying that it’s also inspiring and insightful.
Pros :Talks about finding the centre within and journey of spirituality within .
The book is divided in sections according to what’s the area of spiritual anatomy you want to work on.
You learn about the different Chakras and how they work and how to find the centre within.
Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you knowvthis is the experience you Need?Because this is the experience you are having at the moment. “
Eckhart Tolle
Daaji give us bits and pieces of his life and learnings throughout the book.
It’s an interesting book taking you on a journey within to find a stronger , calmer,clearer self.I like his dividing the book into different sections depending on the area of work .It’s like the Blooming of an internal flower.
If you are someone who wants to try meditation with yout spiritual anatomy as your guide ,give this a read.Its definitely a good way to become a more mindful self.
Since he started on his journey after raising kids and running a successful pharmacy business, you realize that this journey into a spiritual self started during his age (possible)of the Banprastha.That in itself is crucial.He was attracted to asceticism at a young age but was guided back to his home by the words of a wise monk.Life choices are not easy .They are not meant to be.Anyone who works on the path of self discovery realizes the journey and the destination are both highly coveted.You have to start the journey somewhere and this book is an interesting option for those who like to work inside out.
Our goal is to evolve our consciousness, to discover greater meaning and purpose in life and to àcheive our highest potential.
The caterpillar grows into a butterfly, even if it doesn’t wish to.You can grow into your own potential willfully.Here willfully means obstinate determination but in a good way.That is with the full force of your will.That’s special about human life
We grow physically,mentally and spiritually and our growth across these dimensions comes from the choices we make and the actions we take.
When the heart is at peace,the mind is at ease
Self Realization is the ultimate goal.
Your journey from what you are now, to who you ought to be the truest expression of you potential.
Book name Spiritual Anatomy: Meditation, Chakras, and the Journey to the Center
Daaji a.k.a Kamlesh D. Patel (born 1956) Padma Bhushan also known as Daaji among his followers, is a spiritual leader, author and the fourth in the line of Rāja yoga masters in the Sahaj Marg system of spiritual practice. He has spent the last 4 decades training people across the globe in Heartfulness meditation. He enjoys going o nature walks with his grand children in Kanha Shanti Vanam ,India where he lives with his family.
His other Works
The Heartfulness Way (2018), Designing Destiny (2019), The Wisdom Bridge (2022), Spiritual Anatomy: Meditation, Chakras, and the Journey to the Center (2023
Official overview
From the internationally bestselling author of The Heartfulness Way comes a journey to the center of our consciousness, mapping a path for you to connect to your highest self through Heartfulness meditation and guided chakra practices.
When we think of wellbeing, we often think of our physical and mental health-tending to our bodies and minds to find peace, purpose, and connection in our lives. But as Kamlesh D. Patel (affectionately known as Daaji), spiritual leader of the Heartfulness Organization and fourth in line to the raja yoga tradition illuminates, there is a third system we too often overlook: The Spiritual Anatomy.
Not a religious text which is okay but there lies the basic confusion in the storytelling.Because the author wants to appeal to all the religion without mentioning the birth of meditation and why that works.That is something I wish he had written more about for better understanding ,even if in the addendum or in the more to read section .
If that is a deliberate choice that’s good too.But if you want to reach the centre of youur soul,you might need to know the centre of the yogic meditation where it all started.However that’s just my mindset
So will I recommend this book?Absolutely. It’s a book that will slowly guide you on your journey towards finding your deepest aspiration,highest potential and a calmer self.
Buy it on Amazon .
Yhe review is powered by Blogchatter Book Review Program.
Disclaimer:If you have any mental health issues kindly consult your doctor before starting any meditation therapy .
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