I love writing with you for #Thankful Thursdays.
I always wanted to start a thankfulness journal. But I have a thing, about being ecofriendly and a tree hugger.
So using paper to say thank you was a little weird. The blog is the best option to keep a list of my thank yous and practice thankfulness.
As the year comes to an end ,it’s time I remembered all the good that happened.
5 Wishes that came true and made me really thankful are
Wish 1
Write daily atleast 500 words.More the merrier.I did it for 60 days at a stretch in October and November. They were two back to back challenges and I loved #Daily chatter.
I am still able to write daily (more or less).
It’s a struggle and I can’t make myself a promise .But I am atleast trying.
That’s very long way from March 2016 when I wrote 1 post in 1 month.
When we enjoy the journey ,the goal is just the icing on the cake .
Wish 2
The medical college were I work, is undergoing a massive cleanliness and greenfriendly drive.
Lots of trees are being planted. Hedges trimmed ,garbage cleared. Health and nature are closely interlinked. So it makes sense that hospitals go green.
It’s good for the people who work there and great for people who are ill.The role of emotional wellbeing on physical health cannot be stressed enough.
Studies have shown that hospital rooms with view of trees ,plants and greenery have quicker recovery rates than those without.
Even a framed picture of a forest is supposed to help you stay calm.
My balcony jungle has been a source of much joy ,peace and clarity.I can confidently say that my blogging and gardening started together.
My garden sustains and feeds my creative soul.
Wish 3
Help for my blog.
My blog finally got a superb SPI PROTHEME.Thanks to Pat Flynn.
Plus the Genius bloggers toolkit .
I am sounding like a broken record here.But anyone who has been bootstrapping their online dream knows, how good it is to get help .
Genius bloggers toolkit Healthwealthbridge
When random strangers help ,then you know God is guiding your wat.
Christmas is the best time for affirmations. About remembering. For distributing a little joy and peace.
Wish 4
I met the most wonderful blogging friends this year.Call them friends,call them soul mates they are there to help me ,when I need back up.
All talented people putting a little bit of their heart online.A lot of experience,a pinch of sadness and truckload of dreams .That’s the world of blogs.
Anyone who writes online,wants to be read.Whether you are doing it for fun or for being a gazillionaire ,readers are our best friends.
Let’s make content that shines .That helps someone .Create value wherever you enter.Make your blog a little bit of online heaven .
Wish 5
I went to Kashmir,a childhood dream. A very beautiful place.I still dream of Pahalgam. If you visit that place it will spoil you, for every other hillstation. The green valleys ,snowcapped mountains, dancing stream, beautiful people .
The bonus wish I need really
It’s not a Mrs India competition, but World Peace is really needed.
Do you have a secret wish?Don’t forget to share it with us .We will all pray together.
This week ,write with us for #Thankful Thursdays.
Our prompt

This linky will be open till 2nd January 2017 .You can add 2 posts .Just take care 1 post should be on the prompt.
Just comment on this post and my co-hosts post and any two of the posts in the link up.
I deeply believe in community spirit.Eagerly looking forward to visiting your blogs.
Follow @twinklingtina &@misra_amrita on Twitter.
Prompts will be announced every Wed 20:00 hrs IST.
Write the post and Link Up with Amrita or Tina
Pro Tip – Networking and commenting is good for your blog’s health and ranks.
Comment rules: 2 sentence atleast 15 words and should be relevant to the main post.
Use #ThankfulThursdays in your post and share in social media using the same hashtag.
Every week we will have one featured blogger who is the best reflection of this community spirit.
Looking forward to all your posts.
Grab a cookie and get settled to blog hop with us.
This week our favourite featured blogger is Preethi Venugopala.She is a Civil Engineer by education . A writer, avid blogger and artist by passion.
Her debut novel ‘Without You’ which was published by Write India Publishers attained the coveted #1 position on the best seller list on Amazon ,many times and is receiving rave reviews.