PROBIOTIC & LIFE: A Beginners Guide to Probiotic Food (Podcast + Quick checklist)

Book Probiotic & Life:A beginners Guide to Probiotic food.
Probiotic & Life:A beginners Guide to Probiotic food.

Most normal adults take antibiotics more than once a year, due to various infections. But did you know, the antibiotics kill the good microbes along with the horrible ones? That’s collateral damage. But don’t let your health suffer.

When I wrote this book on Probiotic food, I wanted it to be permafree. But free things few appreciate. That’s why making it available on the Amazon Great Indian Sale is the right way for me. It’s free on 20th January and 23rd January worldwide PST time. When my readers give me support and encouragement, this is the least I can do. The tricky part about promoting your own book is you run the risk of burnout and sounding repetitive. But that’s where the topic is important.

Why did I want to write a book on curd and Probiotic supplements?

I saw a very popular actress, advertising a very popular sweet probiotic drink. It was one of the biggest brands worldwide. But if you are a mom you read food labels, right? That’s where all these sugary probiotic snacks, drinks and food aimed at children made me grimace. Who would want to put so much of sugar inside their bodies in the name of healthy bacteria?

The problem with feeding children these are manyfold when laden with sugar. Sugar addiction is real and younger the exposure, worse it is. If you can’t get nutrients inside without coating in sugar, there needs to be a strategy change. Will these bacteria survive the onslaught of sugar overload? Is there any advantage of these extra calories, artificial flavoring agents over natural food and supplements?

Childhood obesity has a lot to do with food choices by parents than anything else. Listen to the Podcast overview of a beginners guide to Probiotic.

Probiotics are not medicines. They have much fewer rules controlling their production in India. The quality control is however much needed. If the probiotic is not viable, it will not help you. They can improve gut health, mental health and have immune protection action against cancer. But all the research is still not conclusive. That’s why you need to separate the truth from the myths. I am not selling or promoting any probiotic brands, even though I  have a few favorites. Neither will you find links to products in the book.

What you will find is a no-holds-barred discussion on why your bowel motility has a lot to do with your happiness than you knew.


Who will be helped by Probiotics?

  • Digestive issues
  • Constipation
  • Irregular motions
  • Cramps
  • Bloating
  • Mental fatigue
  • General fatigue
  • Skin or hair problem
  • Low general immunity
  • Vague allergies

When should you take probiotics?

You need to take it with food or half an hour before a meal for best effect.

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Will probiotic in drinks help you?

  • It depends. If it has the right amount of viable organism which survives the sugar overdose. Research backed proof is limited to support this.
  • The best before date also mentions the viable number of bacteria.
  • You are not obese or having a blood sugar problem.


Is probiotic food better than supplements?

Both need viable organisms. With natural probiotics, you have no way of knowing the amount of viable organisms. Supplements are helpful if from a good brand. Either way, you need to take it consistently for good health and optimum effect.


Review of the Book Probiotic & Life: A Beginners Guide to Probiotic food.

If you like the book, I would appreciate your feedback here on the Blog and on Amazon. That’s one way of showing your support for my efforts to make healthcare info available with the right research and free of bias.

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Probiotic & Life:A beginners Guide to Probiotic food.

Disclaimer: This article is strictly meant for educational purpose.  All healthcare decisions should be taken after consultation with a professional. Read my disclosure here.



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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.


  1. I am sure I will read this book, probiotics are important we all know but most of us lack enough knowledge, this will enlighten us for sure

  2. I am definietly going to read this. Bieng a mom to a collic kid has made me understand the importance of probiotics

  3. Oohh! Woow! This is really interesting…I am surely gonna recommend your book to my sister who has two kids…I am sure its gonna be very helpful for her!

  4. I am never in favor of over the counter drinks. Natural drinks are way better than any packed ones. I wasn’t aware about timingof consuming probiotics

  5. I’m definitely going to read your book, as a mom myself I’m very concerned about what is going into my .child’s body and definitely want to clear all the questions about probiotics,

  6. Never knew the properties and benefits of probiotics till now..but I now feel that we all should include them in our daily routine

  7. True India needa strict rules against probiotics, and we as users also need to know the real use of probiotics , the marketed stuff and their actual composition. Thanks for raising awareness.

  8. Probiotic drinks have been really popular lately. We all know there are 2 kinds of bacterias – Good ones and bad ones. Good ones protect our body and what I know is Probiotics products are rich in good bacteria that help our gut and digestive tract. Loved the podcast xx

  9. I love the concept of the book. I have already downloaded it. I am very eager to know more about probiotic ‘s benefit for our body..

  10. Wow! That’s an informative and insightful post. I wasnt aware of the health benefits of probiotics. Thanks for sharing, Amrita!

  11. I’m a big promoter of pro biotics as well and feel they should be an essential part of a healthy diet.

  12. Appreciate your efforts Amrita for making the researched advice available to us. Probiotics are important, but there is more to it. I’m reading the book.

  13. Informative post as always. I always had my doubts about these over the counter ready to drink probiotics. I stroglst believe that the more natural the source the greater the positive effect on the body.

  14. I had no idea that there is a best time to take prebiotics. Your posts are always informative and have something or the other takeaways for the reader.

  15. A very helpful subject to write on Amrita, I am sure that many people will find this to benefit their health. We will feature your post on the next Blogger’s Pit Stop.

  16. Never know that so many sources of probiotics are available. That’s very informative read will share with my friends

  17. I will surely download your book. I need to read more about probiotics how it’s important for our health.

  18. This is a much needed book – definitely something which has still a lot of vagueness and lacks proper information in the public domain! Thanks for bringing this book out.
    I didnt know that Probiotics and obesity are related! one just assumes that if something is good and healthy for one then it is so for other too.

  19. Probiotics are really good for gut health… I used to take supplements and then I stopped! Seems like I need to take them regularly for results… Will get the book ASAP! 🙂

  20. First of all congratulations on your new book. Secondly, I will not lie that I got swayed by glossy advertisements on the benefits of probiotics just like few other moms, without realising the actual impact. This is a must read for moms like us.

  21. I always saw television ad for yakult and probiotic drinks but never knew in detail about how they can lead to a healthy body..thanx for bringing this

  22. I’m so glad you mentioned about sugar in kids drinks even if it’s probiotics drink. We are strictly against giving too much sugar to kids. Kids get their dose of sugar from natural fruits and they dont need that overload. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Coming from you this book is a must read. I have urgee my friends to download this book and read and I am sure this is going to make us all smart in probiotics.

  24. I suppose you are referring to Yakult. That’s a regular for my children though the sugar content did bother me. I need to read your book to know more I guess.

  25. Absolutely Amrita, people are opting probiotics just on the name of healthy bacteria and that pains me a lot. They don’t even bother to see the ingredients and sugar content. An eye-opener post, gonna share it.

  26. This is a well detailed post on probiotic and its importance for our body.. I am so eager to read your book .. Thanks for sharing such valuable info..

  27. WOW, thank you for the free download! Since being on my healthy eating plan since July I’m always looking for ways to continue being healthy. I will definitely give you a review however I don’t review on Amazon but will post on my social sites!

  28. I would have love to download your book but it looks like it’s only available in India, Amazon wouldn’t let me “buy” it. I am a strong believer in the benefits of low sugar probiotics.

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