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New year Confessions & My One Word #MondayMommyMoments 51

New year Monday Mommy

New year Monday Mommy

New years are full of confessions, resolutions, and promises.I like to keep it simple.One motto, one word, and a wishlist.

One main motto:

Stay calm and carry on!
Have you seen things fall into place when you are calm?Have you seen people and situation get worse when you get scared and upset? Most difficult and crippling emotion is fear and anxiety.

“Daar ke agey jeet hai ”is not just true.But an important part of life

So what are my top tips for handling scary stuff?

All these help me relax.
 One quote
Health is Wealth
This was for 2014 ,2015, 2016 and now 2017
My blog was named Healthwealthbridge to help me remember this truth.
What I didn’t finish  in 2017
I am sorry to say I still am halfway through at least 20 books.It’s embarrassing but the truth.I read around 61 books but that’s much less than my personal goals.

What do I want to do in 2018?

My one word for 2018 #WOTY2018

If it’s one word I will say Believe.
The first time I read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow rich I laughed.
You will laugh too if I tell you the title of the book is the exact premise of the book.

But one thing I took away from the book I took to heart was the power of our thoughts.
Your mind is all powerful.Your brain is still unchartered territory for scientists. We have traveled to new planets searching for life.Our scientists discovered another galaxy but no one has been able to correctly estimate the strength or power of your thoughts.Should you measure it in Gigabytes?In light years, or in unicorn numbers?

When logic fails sense fails and you want to stop trying to try one more with belief.Believing means not letting a shred of doubt pierce your armor.
Know the truths the myths and the hardship and then decide what you will believe in.

What if you believe you will fail?
If you believe this you are guaranteed to fail.

Why not believe and try?If nothing else you will have a beautiful story to tell your grandchildren.
[bctt tweet=”Life, after all, is your own fairytale.” username=”misra_amrita”]

You choose the fairies and demons.Do you want to be a victim or a superhero??All will depend on what you believe in.

If you want your child to be strong it’s important you give enough protein in her diet.But if you want her mind and soul to be strong, practice believing in her and with her.
The power of your minds can move mountains!

If you don’t give up on something you truly believe in, you will find a way.”
Roy T. Bennett

Believe #WOTY2018

Writing this with you for #MondayMommyMoments check rules and get the badge here

Linking this post with Corinne’s word of the year link up

Prompt this week

Your New year resolutions/wishlist

Your word of the year

New year Resolutions





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