Google likes fresh content.But what with writing , researching getting images tailored for the log and sharing on social media writing every day can seem difficult if not downright impossible.
That’s why most big websites have an option of guest posting .Guest posting on sites with good domain authority will help you improve your site’s value in Google eye.
How does that happen?
Generally guest posts are allowed one link in their author bio .This link is ย to their blog and may be to their twitter handle .
So that’s great right ?
Yes , it’s great .But the main problem is people get into two minds about guest posting .
Shouldn’t they write to increase their own blogs content ?
Yes you should .But in early days of your blog your traffic and regular readers may not be enough to do justice to your content.That’s when guest posting on authority sites help .
What do you look for when you guest post?
What’s the DA of the site ?Check ahref .It should definitely be better than yours .Previously alexa was a big deal.But nowadays its importance is being re evaluated .But still definitely look at the Alexa of the site you want to guest post at.
Whether the blog is in my niche?
Is my audience here ?
Check buzzsumo for most shared content for that blog.You will get an idea what kind of topic does well there.
What should you do then ?
Write an amazing post on a well researched topic with preferably a wonderful ย tailor made ย opt in ready for the audience which comes from the other site .
Do not use churned content.This is the most important thing to remember.You want to make a great impression on the audience and the blog owner .Using second-hand content is the best way to put people off.
Sign up to get the complete list of sites that allow guest posting here
Should you allow guest post on your site ?
Guest posts on your site can be perfect for the times you want to go on a vacation .
What should you know before accepting a guest post ?
1)Whether the author is using this guest post as a sponsored post ?
2)If it has a link to a site which sells something or a brand page be careful about allowing them to post on your site for free.It will appear as a sponsored post .
3)Is it original content ?
None of us like churned content.
There’s a reason whyย Ezine article directories are no longer popular.Having a lot of duplicate content on your site is plain bad news for your site’s ranking ย and authority. While it’s great to trust people to be honest,you have to be careful with your baby ,hubby ,family and blog .
Do you want your good name to be under scrutiny ?
Even worse Google may give you a penalty for having such content on your site .At worst you may be blacklisted ?
So what should you check before accepting guest posts for your site ?
Does it fit your audience interest?
Is it original content ?
Plagiarism checker free tools are available online .
You can also use copyscape to check ย the content ย after privately publishing it .
Also don’t forget to use Google to check whether content is copied?
Just type the ย title in the search bar and see what Google throws up .
Then read through at least some of the posts to see whether your guest post is inspired or churned?
Sometimes the plagiarism checker can’t tell if the language is changed keeping the content same.Believe me ย these things happen.It has happened ย with me!Professional churners know exactly what to do.
Also some people may offer you authorship and money for guest posting on your site .Again it may look lucrative but don’t forget to check.Why would someone guest post and give you authorship ?
That’s because their names may be blacklisted by Google .Content churning ย can ย make google search results of poor quality .That’s why Google actively stops that by penalizing sites and authors who does that .
Simple Rules for guest posting on my siteย
I never accept churned , duplicate content .No amount of money will help you with this one , so don’t try it.
Check the niches specified for my blog . I accept guest posts on health,wellness, lifestyle , parenting , travel and blogging tips ย targeted for women.
I ย accept only well written and researched articles with proper references cited(depending on topic).
Only submit articles ,whose copyright you have.
After publishing on my site all rights are mine.
For sponsored posts please mention upfront.
For guest posts linking back to paid content and service pages, terms and conditions vary.
Write to me atย ย with your website link, your bio and a few words on why you think my blog is a good fit for you. Don’t forget to send me links to other guest posts you have done.
Get the ย 200+ list of ย Guest post sites by clicking here
What do you think of guest posting on your site and others?
Comment below to let me know.