Q. Dixita who do you write for?
What inspires you?
After all it is a good thing to laugh and if a straw can tickle a man, it is an instrument of Happiness.
3 tips & Your message for struggling Bloggers
What’s your vision with your blog?
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 4
After all it is a good thing to laugh and if a straw can tickle a man, it is an instrument of Happiness.
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 2
Life itself is the most wonderful fairytale
This post is attributed to 3 Quotes, 3 days challenge as nominated by & I am Tagging my fellow campaigners in this challenge whoever has not done it to take this chain forward. Look forward to seeing more inspiration.
3 Quotes, 3 days challenge
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 33
If you are a blogger you must read this to make your blog’s images better.
If you are a shopper, you must read this to know how you get sucked into shopping more!
Optimization of images and visuals has been becoming very important because of the changes in the online advertising. More than 60% of space on any E-commerce website is occupied by the images. According to a survey nearly 56% of online shoppers abandon a product because of lack of its images.
To sell any products it is important for them to be aesthetically appealing. The high-quality optimized images play an important role in giving the customer information about the product and help them in making the decision. The credibility of the site also depends on the images of the products present on the site. The images can make or break the site design and the product value.
Making it audience-friendly, search engine friendly while making it load faster, is the simple way of understanding image optimization.
According to the Google, Image Optimization can be defined as the function of lossless and lossy compression. The E-commerce sites use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote their business. It is important to use the images that are suitable for the respective platforms and that attract the customers from them. The product images shots must be enhanced in a way that they generate a huge amount of visitor flow to the websites.
The image optimization is carried out based on various techniques and parameters.
Keep it Simple and Focused
If you visit giant E-commerce stores like Urban Ladder, you get to see how beautifully and consistently they promote their products through images. The image of the product must be simple and it should completely reflect the original product to the customers. The complete focus must be made on the product only so that the visitors observe the product and ignore all the other things around the screen.
Magnifying Effect
Those days are gone when people used to carry mobiles with smaller screens with them. Nowadays people are habituated to use big screen mobiles or laptops. They use these gadgets for each and everything they do and shopping isn’t an exemption. Nearly 60% of people opt to shop on bigger screens in order to get a good view of the product and get a good idea about the description. It is important for the image optimization to take advantage of the larger screens and produce the zoom-in shots of the products. The zoom-in helps in viewing the product in detail and gives a clear picture of what the product is. Zoom-in increases nearly 30% on CTR.
In any giant E-commerce website, you will observe that most of the background of the product is white, this is because the white background will enhance the beauty of the product and highlights it. This is one of the optimizing technique used by the companies to enhance the products look.
It is important to present the images in those angles where people find them more appalling. Understand the particular angle where the products look beautiful and present them in those angles only. This will eventually make the product look beautiful and attracts a lot of customers.
These are some of the ways to present the optimized images in the E-Commerce websites.
Comment below to let me know how you optimize your images!
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 4
“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
This post is attributed to 3 Quotes, 3 days challenge as nominated by & I am Tagging my fellow campaigners in this challenge are , to take this chain forward. Look forward to seeing more inspiration.
3 Quotes, 3 days challenge
By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 16
My daughter is going to be six.So we don’t have exam schedules yet.What we do have is daily schedules.I always believed that learning is fun if done right.That’s my experience.
I hated pre-exam revisions.
It is boring reading from the same book over and over again.But unfortunately, we have to read the textbook.
Thats when I learned a trick!
I used to try learning about a particular topic from different books.Not only the textbook but similar books.I went through several such workbooks and tutorial resource throughout the year.But I always dedicated some time every day for revising my textbook.Which by the end of the year ended up color-coded, bookmarked, washi taped, Sticky noted and covered with pretty floral covers.
Ye, I loved decorating my books which didn’t need the obligatory brown paper cover!
I sincerely believed that the love I felt for my books was reflected back.I have an interesting capacity for speed reading and finding stuff which needs to be remembered.
Thats one habit you must develop too if you want to do well in exams.Speed read during revision.
They are the ones which will trip you.
Make a list, notes, diagrams with labels.Then stick them using double-sided foam tapes.
On the books, I didn’t like so much I wrote: ” I love you “!Guess what ?the subject replied “I love you too” and I did well!
1)If you are a science student practice maths everyday.No excuses.Do as much as you can, but a minimum of one hour every day throughout the year.
3) Always do mock test papers on a timer.I used to do a lot of mock tests.I solved the parts which were being done in the class.That way it was an interesting and quick way to solve many papers.
4)Talk to your seniors who have done well.This has helped me a lot too.
5)Never miss your practical classes.
6)Make small bulleted notes for quick memorizing for long topics.
7)It’s best if you divide an answer into broad headings and then jot down 3 to 5 important points.Teachers love well designed and well-written answers.The easier it is for your teacher to scan your answer the better scoring it is for you.Also, scannable answers often score more due to part marking.I know this because I am a teacher too!
8)Practice your diagrams regularly.Check for line diagram /flowcharts, graphs you can make to accompany your answers.Sometimes making a chart or a table at the beginning of an answer helps us write a detailed answer with very little trouble.
9)Never skip your meals or stay up awake before your exam.
10)Never discuss your paper with friends who insist on telling you all about why your answers are wrong.It’s better to discuss with your teacher or parents.
11)It’s better to memorize after understanding.
Memory is registration,retention,recall.Here are my 6 tips for a great memory.
12)Eat, drink and sleep on time.
13)Read a good storybook for 15 minutes before going to bed.This is needed for your brain to unwind.
14)Your study room: Make it study friendly and clutter free
15)Just having your tuition teacher visit you will not make you automatically proficient. You need to design your own study and revision schedule.
16)[bctt tweet=”Take responsibility for your dreams and they will come true #Healthwealthbridge” username=”misra_amrita”].
With love from a Doctor Mommy who dreamt and studied a lot!Best wishes.
Writing this for #MondayMommyMoments.Easily my favorite topic this side of teaching!
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Rules of #MondayMommyMoments
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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS) on 11
I belong to the Stone Age (so does my blog)
Hmm…Stone Age – the era when black and white, buffalo back televisions played only one channel, Doordarshan and later another channel was added to the list – DD Metro. We waited all week for the Sunday special treat, a movie that the family huddled together and watched.
Family outings, weekend picnics, long walks and holidays with grandparents was a normal way of life. We grew in a safe and secure world where our heroes were our parents and relatives.
Neighbours were part of the family and camaraderie was second nature. We didn’t need Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or any technology to remind us about birthdays, anniversaries and important occasions. We kept up with each other’s lives and stood by each other in times of crisis without expecting anything in return.
No mixer-grinder, microwave, mobile phone, dishwasher or washing machine. Mothers and grandmothers lovingly cooked all the meals and life was one big joint family. Evenings were full of loud squeals of kids who played with their mates till their moms dragged them home. The concept of tuitions was attached to ‘dumb’ kids. Schools took up the responsibility of coaching us for competitions and most of us ended up winning envious positions.
Life was simple and totally awesome. There was always time for everything. We caught up with our friends over a leisurely cup of chai. The highlight of this era is the amount of time we devoted to reading and discussion. Books landed up in our hands without any promotions. A recommendation from a friend or elder was enough for us to grab the book and read it from cover to cover.
My icons where Agatha Christie, Jane Austen, Carolyn Keene, Ruskin Bond, Enid Blyton, Anita Desai and Robin Cook, among others. Women’s magazines like Femina and Woman’s Era influenced our ideas on womanhood. Still other magazines like Stardust and Filmfare dished out filmy gossip. Our parents encouraged us to read the Times of India and Indian Express. Later, Mid-day became the afternoon paper where Marjorie Orr was a friend we met almost every day.
Quality content thus ruled our lives and we were open to healthy discussions over issues. Life was not about proving a point; it was about moving forward – together. We read almost everything – news, biographies, autobiographies, stories and poems. For us, genuine causes deserved to be spoken about and life hacks were passed down from the elder to our generation.
If you smiled or nodded at any or all the above, then my blog, diaryofaninsanewriter ,is for you.
In promotional terminology, if you are looking for quality content that you can consume leisurely, this blog is for you. There is something in it for every one – interviews, parenting articles, tips and tricks, social causes, inspirational meetings, stories and poems.
At present, I have kept technology, health and sports for later as I would need expert contributors for the same.
I am inspired by almost everything around me – people, incidents, the doorbell, the fan, my kids, colleagues, husband, parents, in-laws, neighbours – just everyone. There is something that each person has to offer. It depends on whether we want to receive or not.
My life is extremely busy and nothing dramatic happening. I draw inspiration from my daily routine as I firmly believe that life’s joy is in the little things. No point in waiting for something big to happen. Finding joy and motivation in life’s little things make us happier individuals.
‘Ugta rog aur ugta dushman jadd mein hi kaato’
What it means:
Arrest disease, sadness, enmity before they grow into unmanageable monsters. Anticipate the future and face issues, challenges and problems bravely with a plan to move forward. Life is simple, we can make it simpler by solving problems before they become too big.
I aim to put out quality content for my readers. I want to build a community of people who love reading and appreciate good writing. My blog should be the first thing they open every morning, just to check whether there is something that will touch their heart. Chai-time conversations around something they read on my blog is what I am looking at. Real sharing of thoughts, experiences and beliefs is what will keep this community growing.
Many ask me why this blog doesn’t carry my name. That is because there are many insane writers out there and each one has a fantastic view to put forth. Over time, I plan to invite guest bloggers and columnists who will give their valuable thoughts to the blogazine.
I am always around to support charitable causes. Whether it is Gift A Meal in Mumbai or Ek Umeed in Pune. I have delivered sessions to deaf and mute children and support several orphanages. I plan to own an NGO someday and work on mental health and rehabilitation of people. Fingers crossed.
Short bio
Brand Catalyst | Strategic Planner & Executor | Crisis Manager | IMC Professional
Institution builder with 16 years of experience
Marketing & Communications expert
Soothsayer who can predict a brand’s future and customize solutions
Inspirational leader with a contagious positive attitude
An analytical problem-solver with excellent research, networking & writing skills
An articulate thinker with a 360-degree view to issues
A social media catalyst and influencer
A contemporary woman who teaches and practices work-life balance
A doctoral student whose research interest lies in women & leadership
Blogger at: diaryofaninsanewriter
So that was Mayura Amarkant blogger and writer extraordinaire ,enthusiastic friend,inspiring mompreneur and a tough act to follow.Even with her busy schedule her blog posts are never later than your morning cup of tea.
Do visit her blog and website and encourage her brilliant writing.
My message to a child-woman on International Women’s day
Vishakha Talreja says "Amrita has immense knowledge of health-related content. Her writing style is reader-friendly and I have seen her blog posts go viral for the sheer fact that they are informative and helpful.
As a doctor too her knowledge is noteworthy and she always gives the right consultation that is in beat interests of those consulting her. She is also hands-on on the issues faced by her own community. Having worked with her I can definitely vouch for her professionalism and punctuality."
Roshan Radhakrishnan says "An extremely talented doctor and author of multiple books, Dr. Amrita does a great job managing multiple roles with ease." Anaesthesiologist (Human painkiller) ¦¦ Winner #TOIWriteIndia - S01 & 02 ¦¦ Finding #HeroesOfKindness across the world
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The health -wellness information is shared on this website to improve public awareness about lifestyle diseases, products, that may help or harm us. This is in no way a replacement for professional medical advice. Please always consult your doctor for personalized medical advice.