10 Things you must do after winning a Challenge!

10 Things you must do after winning a Challenge!
10 Things you must do after winning a Challenge!

Did you just finish with a personal challenge? Overcome a professional hurdle? Struggling with everyday small irritations? What do you do after winning a challenge?

The Super Blogger Challenge results just came out yesterday, and this is the best time to share my best-kept secrets to do back to back challenges.

10 Things you must do after winning a Challenge!

#1 After every challenge, even if you have half a day relax and unload your brain. Physically you can’t pick up the used and stale thoughts. But you can use your mental fingers to delicately lift them up and release them into the ether. Let these thoughts spread their wings and gain new energy, while you breathe and let your brain breathe.

Your brain loves complex problems, but they need those empty spaces to think.Empty it now!

#2 Drink water like a fish. Hydrate till you can’t drink anymore. Water has a role to play in concentration. Try to skip the caffeine.

#3 Go out. Visit a park or if that’s not possible garden.

#4 Cook something sinful for yourself and family. I love making a chocolate lava cake.It has one whole Dairy milk Silk in it and the baking is as much fun as the cake itself.

#5 Read storybooks, which make you forget everything. I have a good stash of this.

#6 Cuddle with your loved ones and thank them. They are the pillars which built your castle.

#7 Lock away your cell phone, laptop and pretend you are on a brain holiday!

#8 Plan your next holiday and daydream.

#9 Thank the universe you survived.

#10 Write a blog post on your experience after taking out the laptop again! Writing is relaxing, right?


With every challenge, you take part in, you grow. Challenging yourself to push your personal limits, is the best way towards greater personal development. I realized early in life, that the only way to do well in life, is to take responsibility for own actions and choices. While you can’t predict the future or guess hat the next person will do.If you regularly challenge yourself, unclutter your brain and repeat, guarantee your life will have all the colors you always wanted. Happy daydreaming.

Want a list of all the Blogging challenges you need for a Successful Blog? Read this.


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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.


  1. Great ending blog to the challenge! I like your last paragraph, we grow in ever challenge and push our personal limits!! We also push are brains for ideas, so yes, it’s time to relax and pat ourselves on the back for a challenge will done!

  2. That is a great list! I decided I was going to take a day off after I wrote my last blog, so off I go to do whatever I want which will include a lot of rest and down time!! Roar!

  3. Agree. Relaxing, drinking enough water, taking a break, and celebrating are very important when facing with a challenge! Thank you.

  4. You certainly have different ideas than I about this. First of all- I might take a day off, but I might want to use the elated spirits to get me going on the next challenge that needs addressing. Actually, I’m certain i’d follow the latter path.

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