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Monday Mommy Moments week 16 :Healthy Snacks ?

Healthy Snacks almost sound  like an oxymoron.Before I became a mommy I thought meals were when you had food ,snacks were stuff which my mother wouldn’t give me at home.But when I became a mommy ,I realized parenting and cooking is inseperable.If your little one eats right,the world is going fine.

When she stops eating ,nothing in the world can make you happy.The guilt trips that we subject ourselves too is bad enough, we worry about their growth.But the problem is not just what you are cooking.Its also what the little one wants to eat.I wrote about  how tricky  feeding your preschooler can be.I also wrote about how to tackle  picky eating .The main problem is snacks not only need to stop their cravings .but also needs to be healthy.Childhood obesity is a worrying problem and affects their entire life.What we feed them today will mold their eating habits and health ,both physical and mental.

My top go to healthy snacks.


You just can’t go wrong with these.Luckily my Rai loves all fruits.Banana for a snack makes her happy.Mangoes need to be just right.Firm and sweet .Apples and grapes are favourites too . Oranges are a staple during winters.Dried cranberries and figs she enjoys a lot .I am writing about A to Z of fruits .Dont forget to read .

Nuts and Raisins

A few walnuts or almonds made into small pieces by themselves or as toppings for her oats .Walnut has omega 3 fatty acids and is the best nut known.Almonds are great too.raisins are rich in potassium great for heart health.

Oats & Chia

I also make parathas using wheat flour, oats, and chia.

Veggies fries and fritters

Carrot fries and pumpkin fried in airfryer  are an easy delicious crunchy snack.Even  french fries airfried is healthier!


Luckily my daughter loves having eggs and never likes salt in it.Whether its an omlette( cooked just right ),sunny side up  or  boiled, she loves them all.I also make noodle  pakoda with eggs and veggies in the air fryer,Its crunchy delicious and  makes for a quick snack.

Writing this for #MondayMommymoments prompt this week .


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Prompt this week

Share with us some healthy snacks for moms and kids from your kitchen

HEALTHY SNACKS for mommy and baby


Mothers if you are blogging for 26 days in April ,don’t forget to link up with us.We have two gift vouchers up for grabs this April .

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#MondayMommyMoments supporting #AtoZ Challenge

If you are a mommy  and doing AtoZ challenge we would love to help you.We know how difficult and crazy things can get. Just input your details in this form and we will keep you in the loop about all other mommies who will be doing the challenge with you.

Our  featured winner ,this week who wrote on the prompt is Anupriys who blogs at

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ANUPRIYA WEEK 15 Featured winner for writing on prompt


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GEETHICA WEEK 15 Featured winner:
:Consistent Ato Z mommy blogger


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