Truths about Mouth Cancer treatment: FAQ #CancerAwareness (part 2)


There is an effective treatment for the commonest oral /mouth cancers. But like all diseases, prevention is best. But in other cases, early diagnosis and treatment determine the cure and quality of life post-treatment.

How fast does oral cancer spread?

Oral cancers most commonly, squamous cell carcinoma spread quickly due to the rich blood and lymphatic supply of mouth.

Can oral cancer be cured completely?

Oral cancer has good modalities of treatment when detected early and treatment started appropriately.  But a lot depends also on the site of cancer.

ENT surgeons, Dentists, primary physicians can often be the first to detect.

What are the investigations for mouth cancer?

A detailed history and examination are key to early diagnosis.  The more visible the tumor the earlier the patient seeks help and better the prognosis.

Biopsy from the lesion is needed for confirmation when there is clinical suspicion.


Orthopantogram: To check dentition, loose teeth :

CT/MRI: To see the site, size, and extent of the primary tumor, tumor depth, spread to the neck, mandibular invasion

CT Chest and abdomen to asses spread to other sites.

(CT computed tomography, MRI magnetic resonance imaging)

What helps to know about mouth cancer prognosis?

Site, depth, type of histology, degree of differentiation, presence of perineural spread, level and size of lymph node involvement, mandibular invasion and systemic spread and are prognostic factors.

What is the treatment for mouth cancer?

Treatments used for mouth cancer and other head neck cancers are often multi-modality.  It includes surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and targeted therapy.

What does it depend on?

Depending on site, type, grade and stage,  dentition, presence or absence of mandibular invasion, age of the patient, the treatment plan needs to be tailored.

Sometimes decision about the elective treatment of neck is needed.  Appropriate reconstruction should also be discussed preoperatively with the patient.  In all cases, post-treatment, follow up in a registered  Head -neck cancer center.

FAQ about mouth cancers other than lip cancer

Treatment policy for squamous cell carcinoma: Good cure rates for early-stage disease.  Both surgery and radiotherapy have similar rates of cure of more than 85%.

For large tumors palliative high dose radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy.

For lymphomas and sarcomas treatment is different.

FAQ about lip  cancer:

In the UK it is the most common site of cancer of the mouth.

The lower lip has more than 90% of cases. The male is to female ratio is 80:1. Squamous cell cancer is the most common type of cancer affecting the lower lip.

The basal cell cancer is most commonly affecting the upper lip and is more common in females.  More than 30% of people with carcinoma of the lip are seen to have occupations keeping them outdoors for long. Sun exposure occurs significantly more to the lower lip and thus a greater incidence of malignancy is seen.

A biopsy is mandatory before treatment for confirmation of diagnosis.

Treatment policy for lip cancer: Good cure rates for early-stage disease.  Both surgery and radiotherapy have similar rates of cure of more than 85%.

With the size of the lesion, more than 2-3 cm cure rate is around 60%

More than 3cm the cure rate falls to 40%.In the next post, I will tell you about the people who are most at risk and the story in India in detail.

You can read part 1 of Oral cancer here.

Throat cancer all you need to know.

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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.

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