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To The Little Woman in My Life:Letter to my Daughter

Dear Darling Daughter,

I know I am not always being my smartest self or even my kindest one,but I am always trying to think how to do ,what’s best for you.

But I  make mistakes. I cry sometimes silently and sometime not.I  am afraid .But I have to be brave because there is no other way.

Thank you for being the rainbow in my life.Thank you for making me my best self(yes this is it!)

Thank you for showing me how to be kind and forgiving .

Thank you for teaching me things I didn’t know I didn’t know.

Thank you for loving me with all your heart.

Thank you for teaching me to enjoy painting and drawing like I was six again.Thank you for your lovely drawings,poetry and stories.

Thank you for being the sunshine that made my heart bloom.Thank you for letting me realize ,what I chose was the right thing(I know,I am impossible because of that.)

Overall thank you for choosing me to be your mother.I  am sure you will do “growing up” with  as much style, grace and kindness that you did being a baby.

I will always be your cheerleader.

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