The month of April all over the world was chaotic. People’s life and living took a hit. You are probably in Corona virus lockdown somewhere praying for this nightmare to end. I hope you are doing self-quarantine the right way.
But you achieved something amazing this month. You wrote when things were falling apart. Now its time to think about making something memorable with your April 2020 blog posts.
Have you thought about getting ready for Blogchatter eBook Carnival?
If you haven’t you must read all about how Blogchatter eBook festival is great for promoting your book. I am sure it’s going to be announced soon. But if not, you can read all about it here and here.
I also made a video about it,
But what comes after Blogchatter eBook?
It depends. You can submit your book to traditional publishers.
You can go the self-publishing way .
You can offer your book for free to your blog subscribers .
You can sell it on your blog. The Jetpack premium plugin can help with that.
In case you do want to try self-publishing,I want to tell you the good news first.
Its free to get started on Kindle direct publishing .With the Corona virus pandemic ,e-books make even more sense.
So how do you get started?
First, you need to check your book matter. If its content is Blogchatter A2Z then you need to check whether the book is flowing nicely from one chapter to the next. Is the bookmaking sense? If you feel, it needs more material, then add them.
You can use Microsoft word to write your book ,to avoid formatting errors with Kindle.
The Kindle Create software is a free tool that helps you format for Kindle.
Canva will help you with creating your eBook cover.Its very easy to get started.
You can even offer the book for free during a KDP select promotion.
Get this helpful checklist for starting with KDP
Have you thought about writing a book this April?I would love to know your thoughts about participating in Blogchatter Ebook carnival and KDP next .Let me know in the comments below.
Everything I know and learn while Blogging and writing
- The mouth as a mirror: how oral health reflects and influences systemic well-being
- Cerebral Palsy:Mimics and Diagnosis
- TB in ENT and the Head Neck(World TB DAY2024):We Can #EndTB
- Elimination of Tuberculosis by 2025 #WorldTB Day
- HaystackAnalytics Unveils ‘TB One’ Solution to Strengthen India’s TB Control Efforts #PressRelease #WorldTBDay