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Home Garden Images and Video :July

On Healthwealthbridge I started writing, to share my experience and knowledge as a Doctor. But down the line I started sharing my gardening journey too.

But it kind of makes sense. It all started with a gardening a long time back. We have a jackfruit tree in our childhood home.I spent hours looking at it and thinking about climbing on top. It looked pretty much like the Faraway tree.Enid Blyton’s book remember?

The Village garden in July

Another dream was about digging underneath it and coming out on the other side of the Great Wall of China , grabbing a pot of Gold, and running back to my home. Both the dreams stayed in the dreamscape.

Guava tree in our garden.

I didn’t climb the tree , and nor did I dig underneath it . But I learned from it. It was almost eighty years old and still bore fruits every year. Looked happy, spread shade and always made me smile.

Chillies growing up!

Cut to 2014,I started a balcony garden with a baby in tow, and in 2020 November I started our kitchen garden in the family village home. Planting is now a family activity and so is gifting plants. How to Walk, Write and Garden for the Healthy Life You Want is a book you will like, if you garden too.

Garden harvest

The best thing we can do for ourselves and the future is to make it a greener place. Technology has helped the world a lot but so have plants. We need them to live.

Rains make the garden look green.Plants make children see the unseen!

Did you plant a tree this month?

Sharing this video from our home garden this month.

Garden Walk Virtual July e

You can read about my Village Home and Garden here

This is part of my #CauseAchatter post for Blogchatter. Gardening is one my favorite causes.

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