How Does Your Gut Health Help You Exercise?

You know that exercise is good for you but do you feel like exercising? What motivates some to exercise and others to skip it? Is there a deeper physiology than just mindset? The motivation behind exercise and playing physical games that work as exercise is poorly understood. I like walking playing, badminton, table tennis, swimming, and anything that keeps me moving outdoors.

The connection between your gut and your exercise motivation

The answer to what we find pleasurable hides in the neurochemical pathways in our brains. The more we feel good exercising the more we are inclined to exercise.That’s where the study “A microbiome-dependent gut-brain pathway regulates motivation for exercise ” is insightful.

An animal study done in mice suggests good gut health improves exercise motivation.The more broad-spectrum antibiotic one has, it kills the good gut bacteria. This also down-regulates dopamine receptors in the brain. That way, the exercise-related dopamine hit is lower and mice exercise less. We hope the same could work in higher animals like us humans and that would be great news.

The gut bacteria which help are identified as two types of bacteria, Eubacterium rectale, and Coprococcus eutactus. These strains produce compounds called fatty acid amides that interact with endocannabinoid receptors in the gut.

These receptors, when activated ask the brain to stop or lower the production of an enzyme monoamine oxidase. This in turn helps in dopamine breaking down less often and the post-exercise high staying long. The end result is, the mice continue to feel great after exercise and want to exercise again. Your gut too like the mouse gut has numerous microbes.Almost 2 Kg of it. Your gut bacteria population has a lot to do with your diet and your environment. The genetic influence is not very obvious when it comes to gut microbes.

What about probiotic supplements and their effect on gut health?
Eat healthy food. Add probiotics from natural sources to your diet. Home-made fresh curd is perfect. You can read more about Probiotics here.A healthy gut helps you prevent colon cancer too.

But did you know exercise, in turn, has the power to alter your gut bacteria? More about that coming soon.


Nature: “A microbiome-dependent gut–brain pathway regulates motivation for exercise.Dohnalová, L., Lundgren, P., Carty, J.R.E. et al. A microbiome-dependent gut–brain pathway regulates motivation for exercise. Nature 612, 739–747 (2022).

Gut microbes shape athletic motivation
Authors: Gulistan Agirm

Microbiota and muscle highway — two-way traffic
November 2019Nature Reviews Endocrinology 16(2):1-2
Authors:John A Hawley Australian Catholic University

Mailing, L. J. et al. Exercise and the gut microbiome: a review of the evidence, potential mechanisms, and implications for human health. Exerc. Sport Sci. Rev. 47, 75–85 (2019).

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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

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