Freedom from Bad Nutrition Advice

Nutrition Book
Nutrition Book

A few days back I was asked to write about the nutrition myths that bamboozle us from everywhere. I had just finished writing my sixth book on Nutrition Diet Myths and Life (It’s free for download on the 9th,10th and 11th of August) and this was a good way of putting the word out.

As a doctor whenever I write medicines for any illness people ask me what they should eat ? This was the case from the time we started our clinical rotation. The favorite being anaar ka juice or pomegranate. While it’s an excellent fruit and very tasty, it’s definitely not the only thing you should be eating when sick. But today I will not tell you about nutrition myths. You can read it by downloading my books below.

It’s free on Kindle Unlimited: Enjoy Freedom from bad nutrition advice now!

I will not tell you what to eat and what not. Instead, I will tell you what your body says when you eat something which is not good for you. But remember, this only works if you have an active conscious and your thyroid gland is active.

What your Body says

When you order the extra cold drink and you can hardly swallow.

When you take the puff and can’t stop coughing.

When you took a second helping of fried and extra spicy drumsticks. When you just finished an extra heavy dinner at midnight.

When your tooth started tingling and you had a headache after eating that chocolate bar.

When you had a constant sour taste in the mouth.

When you couldn’t swallow, because of that burning sensation in your throat.

The bloating and burn in the pit of the stomach and those sleepless nights will all tell you if your diet and lifestyle is working for you. You don’t need anyone else to tell you that. But a little timely reminder may just make you look closer. The question is what will you do after you have looked?

Will you make some changes? Will you take out another health insurance? Will you eat fresher and better ? Will you start exercising?

Life is for you to enjoy, why would you want to work hard, save your money for only buying medicines? Shouldn’t you take care of your body today, so that your health needs the support of nutrients and not medicines?

Ignore the myths about Probiotic that ads sell! This book is free on Kindle unlimited:Enjoy freedom from bad nutrition advice!

Can you do this for your body? If that’s a decision you don’t want to take that’s fine. I am sure Big Pharma will thank you. But not your body. Wake up and do the right thing.

Now some Bad Nutrition Advice which needs breaking

1)Diet cola is good: Not
2)Skipping food groups is good for you: Not
3)Skip carbohydrates: You definitely shouldn’t get rid of all complex carbs from your diet as they provide a lot of benefits. It’s the simple sugars which you should skip.
4)Anyone can give diet and nutrition advice: Not
5)Processed food from organic brands are great: Not
6)You can just take supplements instead of a balanced diet: Not

How to check whether its Bad Nutrition advice?

1)It’s given by someone who shows no proof of their qualifications.
2)Shared by someone with no authority to share health advice.
3)Their research is sketchy.
4)They make it look too easy.
5)They will promote a food type, food group or food product specifically.
6)You will need to spend money to get advice.

What have you done for your health this year? Write to me in the comments below.

Nutrition Book Free on KindleUnlimited


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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.


  1. Your post is quite intriguing and I love the way how you have explained it. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. You are the best one to share these things Amrita, Infact I also had some wrong conception about healthy diet. Thanks for clearing all doubts here.

  3. Amrita, I like each one of your advices and I like the way you point upon listen to your body before following an advice. Shall recommend to friends too.

  4. Thanks for this informative piece indeed it broke many myths that I had about nutrition like diet cola.

  5. This is such a good post, Amrita. Advice is available everywhere but it’s authenticity needs to be checked. I don’t take tips from anyone and try and find facts for myself.

  6. Thanks for sharing this, it’s so important that we treat our body right and feed it the roght nutrition. We’ll written post i must say.

  7. Surely great motivational post .no, I will not like to spend money on medicine rather than putting some money on my body doing exercise good food and healthy food

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