Coping with terror attacks:Madness and mental hacks

coping with terror attacks

Coping with terror attacks is difficult for everyone:The madness


It’s a  horror story with a  dystopian twist.

The recent  terror attack in an upmarket ,swanky  cafe is depressing  me terribly.
This was followed by 3 more acts of unbelievable  violence .

Coping with terrorism
Coping with terrorism

Living in a democratic  country with a pot pourri of religious  belief, the  dark cloud of terrorism is an unwanted threat to your happy mind.
Your  mind likes being happy.But now it doesn’t know.
 You  know it’s  not about religion .
Not about love.
Not about belief.
It’s about Control.
It’s about wanting to be the one who everyone fears.


This kind of madness few witness twice in their lives.

You are the post Independence generation.
You literary  have everything.
Females specially have a lot to thank for .


The dark horror of terror attacks ,is spreading its poisonous tentacles of xenophobia.
Add it to the distinctively  communal mentality of wanting to convert 
The distrust mounts.
History will tell you how many times mad rulers have tried to rule the world.
And how many times they succeeded.

So take heart.
They win if you are afraid.


In  this country you are lucky.

You have a voice.This voice is most important.

Even where “I “is actively practiced ,people who spread terror want something more .

They want subjugation.They don’t want tolerant ,moderate brave  voice.
They want unquestioning faith.
They want to kill non believers.
Some of the religious preachers  claim  they don’t support killing innocents.

Obviously anybody who is a non believer is not innocent. That’s pretty smart right!
If you don’t support these people, they might even call you intolerant.
But there are worse things than being called intolerant.

If you are carrying out a crime or supporting a crime..Both cases you are guilty of the crime.
That’s why there’s something called “accessory to murder”.

Terrorists are mad murderers.

Religion is a way of life.

Killing people  cannot be a way of life.
It’s a way of death.
It’s almost like a Stephen King horror..with blood gore and psycho killer.
Only this time there are many .
Machete wielding, gun totting,suicide bombing ….interesting   set of skills.

If they are real  ,what would you say about  the possibility that they are injected full of hallucinogenic  drugs.
The people who recruit and train don’t die.Its the trainees who die.

Maybe their brains  are rewired under hypnotism (just like in Satyajit Ray’s famous movie …magaj dholai.)

The horrors are too many.While mourning, one another happens.

Whatever it is .
You need to cope.
You have to be strong.
Todays gift :some coping skills.
Maybe little.But it’s a beginning.


First what you may feel ....

Psychological (and physical)
impact of exposing yourself to such trauma via television, radio
and social media:

  • Anxiety
  • Palpitations
  • Breathlessness
  • Hypertension
  • Insomnia are some of the frequent  effects of viewing  violence on and off-screen.

Even reading  about them often causes panic attack.
You  stop exercising .Start binge eating, looping thoughts ,cribbing about small things .

  • Socially isolating yourself.
  • Becoming afraid .
  • Have difficulty maintaining daily routine
  • Sense of loss
  • Sense of impending doom.
  • Feeling of loss of control.


So how  can you cope  with Terrorism:Mind hacks


1)Start reading mystery novels.You have to be ready to save the world.

2)Martial arts training/shooting skills

(Controversial tip:Learn Hypnotism
Learn how to break away from hypnotism.
Channel your inner eye.)

3) Avoid the news if it makes you feel better.
4)Cuddle  your child or anyone else you might want to (within limits).

Help as many people  as you can, in any way .
7)Try to talk about it without becoming panicked.

8)Spread awareness  as much as you  can.



9)Avoid using alcohol or drugs for coping.It will make the problem worse.


10)Don’t forget self-care .
But why is self-care important in
the face of tragedy and trauma? 
Maintenance of self-care ,helps  you keep up  normalcy.
It’s an important  step in coping.When self care is absent ,it’s a danger sign.

Then you might be needing  medical help.

Self-care practices:
  • Don’t  forget to put on lipstick  even when you are worried(not recommended  for men, not a good look).
  • Exercise.
  • Try to eat healthy even when  you just want to binge.
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Plenty of fruits and vitamins
  • Read a lot ,write a lot
  • Practice mindfulness 

11)Practice positive thinking.Negative prediction bias may make things worse

Whatever your religion or colour ,we are actually  children of the same God.

Try to hold on to that thought.

Spread a little goodwill ,in any way I can.
Try to be kinder. 

Praying for the world.Let us all survive to fight another day.

This post is a part of Day Two #HalfMarathon #DailyChatter at the Blog Chatter.

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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.


    1. Yes Jemma.It’s a tad serious. But I thought it needed a little shout out.Too many of my patients tested low for Vitamin D

  1. What a timely, but extremely important subject. Practicing self-care through these situations and beyond will make one so much more healthy and able to cope.

    1. Yes Beth it’s best to show that terror will not stop us from living.Women can give life and have great power.That’s why awareness is important without panic.

  2. I especially liked your tip about reading mystery novels. I watched The Walking Dead, and I always think about having to be ready for anything.

    1. Yes Danielle that’s my best coping skill .I can totally zone out of the mind loop with a great book????.What’s your best coping tip?

  3. Beautiful post. I am personally very angry and shocked about what has been going on lately. It feels so overwhelming and like there is nothing I can do. Your post really hit home for me. Thank you.

    1. Yes Melanie ,the sense of helplessness and lack of control makes things very difficult. I am glad you liked this post.

  4. Great tips. The media can really mess with your thoughts! It is important to take care of yourself.

  5. You spoke so much truth on a difficult situation that is plaguing the world right now Thanks for your consideration and tips.

  6. I’ve been really troubled with these attacks recently, so I’m glad you’re talking about it. The only thing we can control is ourselves and the love we show towards those around us.

    1. Hi Jessica I am troubled too.Life is too short for all this. But sometimes you really can’t be an ostrich. That’s why I decided to write about this .Speaking about it can break the horrible hold that these attacks have on our minds.Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  7. What a beautiful, poetic way to put this. I also love that you emphasized strategies for coping with the trauma and stress. Self care is so so so important as is holding your loved ones close. This is such a timely piece, thank you so much for sharing it.

    1. Thank you Beryl for reading this and your very kind comments.I think we have to be really strong when bad things happen close to home.But now everywhere it happens its always close.The world has actually gotten smaller beccause of the internet.Wonderful ways and not so wonderful ways.Truly appreciate your feedback.

  8. This post is spot on and really resonates for me. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t watch the news at all. I can’t take the constant onslaught of terror information. I agree, my time is better spent trying to spread kindness and love.

    1. Hi Jessica.I truly appreciate your kind words.Times are different.Even online kindness makes me grateful.Thanks for reading.

  9. It’s about control and subjugation. What a pity that we never become civilised enough to live and let live!

    1. It appears to be some sort of brain virus/mutation or effect of drug.Everyone understands except those who are doing it.

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