Computer strain:Is it making you ill?

Computer Vision Syndrome
Computer Vision Syndrome

Are you a blogger? Are you on the Internet for a long time every day? Do you know you are at risk for this disease?

Once a friend came to me with this strange problem. Her eyes were always burning.
Nothing seems to help. Now I have written a lot about acid reflux and burning sensation in the throat. But burning eyes? She was upset and close to tears. A talk with her revealed the following. She is a computer engineer. On the way to work from 8 am to 8 .45 am using an Android phone to catch up on Gmail and WhatsApp messages.

At work from 9 am to 7 pm : Using a PC or a laptop.
Returning home from work 7  to 8 pm: Using the android phone to check the Facebook and Instagram feed.
At home from 9 pm till 23.30 pm: watching television.
Bedtime: Checking phone for any important emails, messages,fb messenger.
So from 8 am till 12-midnight digital screen usage of 15 to 16 hours!
Shocking, right? At the end of the day your eyes burn, headaches, neck pains. All this seems to get worse every day.
Bloggers and all digital media professionals who are using computers throughout the day face this strange problem. It’s called Computer Vision Syndrome or Computer fatigue syndrome.

 What is Computer fatigue syndrome?

Computer fatigue/vision syndrome is a problem faced by people who are using a digital screen for long hours.I am at risk. You are at risk. Those who use a laptop, computer, smartphone for long hours for study, work or pleasure all are at equal risk. With Online education in 2020 .2021 and now 2022, kids are the new sufferers if screen time is not monitored.

What problems will you have with Computer Vision Syndrome?

  • Eyestrain
  • Irritation in the eye
  • Burning sensation
  • Pain in the eye
  • Headache
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Generalized irritability

Computer Vision Syndrome:What complaints you may have

Why does this happen?

  • Poor lighting
  • Poor posture
  • Prolonged digital usage
  • Glare from the screen

How to avoid it ?

  • Rotate your head and neck and shoulders every few minutes.
  • Antiglare screens
  • Antiglare eye glasses
  • Good lighting
  • Good seating posture
  • Under desk stepper
  • Walking and writing on the laptop
  • Checklist to have healthy eyes while using digital screens
  • Check lighting conditions
  • Is your chair comfortable? Does it give good back support?
  • DIY your own standing desk with your treadmill to get healthy.
  • While typing on your keyboard ,keep the reference at the correct angle to avoid eyestrain.Ideally :It should be placed just above the keyboard and below the monitor.You can hold a document holder beside the monitor.
  • To look at the monitor and the screen ,you shouldn’t have to move your head.
  • Always check the position of the monitor to avoid muscle strain and eye strain.
  • Its more comfortable to look at a computer screen , looking downwards.
  • It’s best if the computer screen is at 15 to 20 degrees(5 inches) below your eyes.
  • LCD screens are preferred ,than old PC monitors.Avoid glare.Use Anti-glare screen.
  • Light from windows and overhead light shouldn’t come from the back.It’s best to use drapes on the windows.Use floor lamps.Low wattage desk lamps .
  • It’s better to have windows to your side than in front or behind.
  • Blink frequently
  • Use preservative free tear solution to prevent dryness.
  • Chair should be comfortable. Preferably with hand rest
  • Your feet should touch the floor
  • Check your computer display setting
  • Brightness :same as surrounding.Should be like a light source and not a glare .
  • Text size should be around 14
  • Black print white background

Exercise you can do:

Take frequent rest breaks.

While sitting, rotate your feet and wrists while reading. Stand up, move about and stretch your arms, legs, back, neck, and shoulders. This will help reduce tension and muscle fatigue.
Try to give your eyes rest for 15 minutes after two hours of computer use. For every 20 minutes of computer work, shift your eyes and look into the distance for 20 seconds. This allows your eye muscles to relax and refocus.
Blinking frequently helps a lot. It decreases your chances of getting dry eyes. Blinking keeps your eye moist and healthy.

For Children with Computer vision syndrome

Reduce screen time except for educational requirements and that too should be age-appropriate.

Take care that the child has nature time and spends time in a green plant-filled environment.

Children should have regular eye checkups by an Ophthalmologist or eye doctor.

Who should take special care?

Children need more care.
If you use contact lenses, you need to be more careful.
Checkups: Eye checkups Once a year at least. Eyeglasses with anti-reflective coating, the blue light filter will help to protect your eyes.


Regular eye examinations and proper viewing habits can help to prevent or reduce the symptoms
associated with Computer Vision Syndrome.

How is the Health of the Nation: The report is an eye-opener!

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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.


  1. I had similar eye problems at the beginning of my career.Watery,irritated eyes.Was counselled a few days off from the monitor and some eye drops.was back to normal in a couple of days.But that experience really made me afraid of spending too much time in front of the system.

  2. I had started suffering from burning eyes and headache while working on a hectic project. Had to do some lifestyle changes to get rid of it. Great tips and exercise ideas.

  3. This is very helpful post. I also come across the same issues since either I spent time on the laptop or over the phone. I’ve started few tips from your post. Thanks a ton.

  4. my chiropractor recommended a standing desk and it’s really helped me with back, neck and shoulder pain. I also started seeing an eye doctor regularly!

  5. I don’t use my computer too much but this is excellent information and I’ll be remembering it for when i do have long periods where i use my computer. Thanks 🙂

  6. Very well explained post and I have exactly all the symptoms!!*opens eyes wide* well I will follow your tips and give a feed back soon Dr Amrita ..

  7. yes I do get back pain and eye strains. I was advised to keep getting up and walk around my cubicle. It gives a little break to the eyes, neck everything

  8. My husband never needed glasses until just this year- he’s in his 30s! Computers will do crazy things to your eyes if you’re not careful! His glasses are specialized just for computer use.

  9. I’ve heard the tips about the “20/20” rule of looking away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes, and your other tips are great as well. This is an issue I never think about, so it’s an awesome reminder to have! Thank you for sharing! I’m going to try and more mindful of my computer usage!

  10. I can’t tell you how timely this is. I sit way too much in front of a computer and I think my back, neck and eyes are starting to feel it. Time for some changes.

  11. So glad I came across this post today. I am in front of the computer at work all day and in the evenings when I get a chance to be I do work on the laptop for my blog. Yesterday my eyes were really burning, and it has happened a few time before too. Will be reading more on this.

  12. I actually don’t think I’ve ever had a problem with computer strain. I’ve spent up to 10 hours at a time looking at the computer. I will have to see if this is a problem in the near feature.

  13. Insightful and it had affected my health long ago. Now I take frequent breaks and do not push too much 🙂

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