The Story of the Missing Blogger (Blogging Mental Health)

Blogging Mental health
Blogging Mental health

Should you blog for mental health? What about the mental health of a blogger? How can you avoid the pits and bumps?

Five years back when I started blogging, I was working as a medical teacher and managing a two-year-old.

Then I started writing once a month. I felt great. I was creating an online archive of pearls of wisdom for those who seek. Right?

I was the poster child of a missing blogger. My blog missed me and I missed being a blogger . But I was still missing.

With 2015 going like 2014, there was an urgent case of missing Blogger registered with the internet police. Good thing, that I had bought the domain and hosting for two years and didn’t have to spend money in the time I went missing from my own blog.

I honestly felt I was the only person Blogging in India. I found no Indian blogs while browsing my favorite topics online.

Then in 2016 by some Twitter miracle, I found Ultimate Blog challenge and Blogchatter and life changed.

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How to stop being a Missing Blogger?

10 Commandments for Blogging Mental Health

Write every day.

Spend time reading every day.

Fix a specific time every day to just write.

Be mindful while writing. Talk to yourself in your head have a conversation like you have with a friend.

Go for a walk, run or garden to get those creative juices flowing.

Stop being a harsh self-critique while writing. That’s the editor’s brain,a.k.a as the left brain which needs to be in high gear later. The right creative brain needs to sing and feel happy while writing

Have a plan for your blog. Even if it means posting once a week, stick with it.

Celebrate when you hit publish. Wait, don’t forget to share on all your channels.

Build a community of likeminded writer friends. Sharing each other’s work goes a long way in building an audience.

Always remember your why of starting a blog. You may find, more shiny stuff along the way, but there’s magic in having a conversation online with your readers, which makes your writing come alive.

Writing is super relaxing because it makes you think, in a non-stressful way about the world. Seth Godin says some very smart things about creating value. One thing which struck me was about making each sentence count.

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I try that. Plus, I try every day. That makes me   happy. I am doing one small thing every day, not to be a missing blogger and give back to the internet.What are you doing?

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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.


  1. Not me. (Not that I’m the little red hen or anything.)
    I write when the ideas flow. Sometimes 1 blog, sometimes 10. Some blogs take 10 minutes, others 2 hours. And, I have a queue. That is often manipulated and upset. (Thankfully, it doesn’t talk back!)

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