18 Ways to beat a cold before it starts

Getting a cold is common place.

There’s a saying

 A cold  gets better by itself in 7 days and with medicines in a week.

The problem is sometimes if your immunity is not  great (stress,less sleep,irregular meals) this 1 week cold may run longer.

That’s when you can have

  • Headache
  • heaviness of head and forehead
  • Blocked ears
  • Blocked nose
  • Sticky sensation at the back of throat
  • Cough
  • Fever

The entire family of minor irritations pile up to cause major trouble.

This is when you will need medicines to stop any further damage.

Being an ENT surgeon  checking people with cold comes with the job description.

What can you  do  to stop cold in its tracks ?

Keep your  immunity high and working well.

Have fruits and vitamins rich in antioxidants

Try following  the Ultimate Nutrition tips to prevent flu.

You can also occasionally take Vitamin  supplements  to augment to natural sources.

Our food unfortunately reach us,  considerable time  after getting plucked from trees.This makes their nutritional content unreliable.

Remember the  Protein in your diet .It’s important to keep your cells healthy .Since a majority of cell components are protein.Your dietary protein is important to keep your immunity intact.

Drink water .

Hydration helps your cells work to its fullest .Water also helps flush out toxins.


A very important, free and effortless activity ,which alone helps your body  repair  itself and fight another day.

You should never compromise on quality or quantity of  sleep.I wrote an article to help you sleep better .Read it here.


These work .Research is going on to make their use more streamlined.But Probiotics are proven to improve immunity.

Be happy and get the  happy hormones going full force.  Smiling is proven to improve immunity.Added bonus ,you look great when you smile .


It’s difficult when you are ill. So you need to make this a part of your daily habits to reap the benefits.Plus endorphins are released when you exercise  .

Don’t forget the nature walks  or at least visit a garden .

They are source of biophilic microbes which are beneficial to humans.

Being among nature also helps cut down stress .Anything which helps lower stress is good.   

Stress  is known to increase cortisol ,the hormone that suppress immunity. 

Maintain a healthy weight.

Obesity  is a form of malnutrition. Excessive weight disrupts your hormones and  can make your immunity weak.Additionally metabolic conditions like diabetes make people prone to infections.

Don’t smoke

The tobacco smoke has carcinogens and irritants which kill the protective layer of your mucous membrane lining your airways.This makes it easier for virus and bacteria to make their homes there.

Avoid alcohol.

Doesn’t help you get healthy in any way.Even a little amount of alcohol makes  you prone to liver problems. It makes your immune cells weaker and less able to fight germs.

Take steam inhalation  2/3  times a day when you have a cold.

When you have a cold all  the lining epithelium of your nose and airways get irritated. They start secreting copious amount of fluids to get the virus out and decrease irritations.

The excessive secretions get stuck in the sinus spaces ,thickening progressively.

Unfortunately the secretions are the favourite food and partying zone of bacteria .When the cold goes on for long ,a simple viral flu get complicated due to secondary bacterial infection.That’s why you  end up needing antibiotics.

When you take steam these secretions easily liquefy and helps them drain  naturally.

Avoid touching your nose or mouth,  after you have been around someone with a cold.

Wash your hand or  use a  hand sanitizer if you shake hands with someone having a cold.It’s not rude to practice preventive healthcare. Just don’t hurt their feelings.

Someone at home has a cold.Don’t forget to give them seperate towels.

A friend in office has a cold snd pops over to say hello.She forgets her hanky on your laptop.Don’t forget to sanitize the work surface.Germs may lie there cozily upto 24 hours.

Always carry antibacterial wipes .When in doubt ,use it.

I know these go without saying.But if you have a small kid ,these are important things you can do to keep your family healthy and fighting fit.

How do you fight cold?

Comment below to let me know. 

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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.


  1. Great tips, I wish I’d read some of these before this cold kicked in that I’ve got right now. I’ll definitely think about them from now on though. Thanks for sharing! x

  2. Hey Amrita, your post is right on time. I’m down with cold since past three days. Though have taken medicine but I forgot to get flu shot this year. I’m bookmarking your post for my reference!

  3. What great tips and I so agree with taking precautions in beating the cold. I definitely load up on Vitamin C & Proteins during the season and that hand sanitizer is an absolute MUST 🙂

  4. I will be saving this post! Soon as I feel a cold coming on, I always try to get rid of it as soon as possible. You gave great tips.

  5. I could have used this guide a few weeks ago! Everyone around me was getting sick and eventually I did too. I don’t like taking medication so I am really into more natural remedies. Eating lots of oranges usually works for me. Thanks for the tips!

  6. These are really great and helpful tips, although I wish I had known these things BEFORE I got sick (just my luck right). Great post though! Will save for future reference!

  7. These are some amazing tips Amrita. Steam is very necessary. unfortunately my kiddo is fighting with cold currently and steam is the only way which is giving him relief.

  8. Very informative post . I am fighting with cold eating fruits and vitamins, Exercise , good sleep, sometimes taking probiotics and warmly dressed!Thanks for sharing these great tips.

  9. I like that you mentioned taking a walk. I think a lot of people overlook the body’s need for fresh air and sunlight. I’m doing better on my water consumption in the is new year and hope to keep it up. I know I should take vitamins and will work that in eventually.

  10. I always try to drink a lot of water when I feel a cold coming on and it seems to help. I also try to go to bed earlier!

  11. I’s so funny reading this because I am heading into that stage of getting a cold, I’ve been mega stressed and my immune system hasn’t been the best. Great tips. Perfect timing, I’m gonna have to try all of these.

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