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10 Ways you can Sleepwalk to  your Kids Bedtime:Monday Mommy Moments 31

I love sleeping.That’s why pregnancy and the first month after Rai was born was difficult.

But then something happened.My hubby who knew how cranky and impossible I am without sleep suggested I try sleeping when the baby sleeps.Infants can sleep up to 18 hours per day.That’s not possible for you right?You can still catch extra snooze time with them. You can’t keep infants awake and they have their own sleep cycle till it gets adjusted at around one (in most cases).

When Rai was a baby I slept round the clock with her.My mom and my hubby were both a big help.My work was to feed the baby, feed myself, quick daily care and go back to sleep.That’s the reason I was able to start getting back my energy levels pretty well within a year.Otherwise, I would have burnt out.Our sleeping story I will share, but today my 10 Ways you can sleepwalk to  your kid’s bedtime

1)Have a set bedtime.Give or take a few minutes.Fixed time and routine help children learn the value of good sleep.It’s also easier for them when they grow up as after they cross five it becomes difficult to change habits and mindset.No amount of screaming helps.In fact, it does just the opposite.

2)Give him/her dinner by 8 pm at the latest(this is best if you want her to digest food properly before bedtime.One big reason for childhood obesity and reflux in children is late and heavy dinners.

30 minutes before bedtime if she likes milk, give her that.Don’t forget to make her sit or play a quiet game till it’s bedtime.This helps in preventing reflux and tummy discomfort.

3) Make a dreamy bedroom atmosphere.This means lights dimmed from an hour to two hours before.No shouting screaming or rowdy games.Play a few quiet games or color together.This helps calm the mind.

MondayMommy Moments Tips to put kids to bed

4)My daughter’s school has started meditation classes recently and we have a fun time Chanting Om and seeing who can do it for the longest.Make it fun then a habit is easy for children.

5)Cool sheets, pastel colors, her favorite pillows will all make going to bed another pleasant activity.

6)The time leading up to the bedtime is filled with bedtime stories.Preethi’s book The Teddy who ran away is perfect.I read it to Rai the day before yesterday.She dropped off to sleep within a few minutes of the story ending.It’s the perfect length with the right lessons for bedtime story time.

7) Bed time cuddles and kisses we look forward to as a family.My daughter loves cuddling and kissing.She insists on cuddle breaks every few hours when we are playing together.

8)Don’t discuss your plans.Those that will happen after she sleeps.Children don’t want to miss out and if they think parents have a party after they go to bed.It’s impossible to make them sleep then.

9)Get ready for bed yourself even if you sleep a few hours later.It’s important to make them get into the mood.When Rai was young I used to rock her to sleep.Now I pat her lightly and sometimes even that’s not needed.I nod off with her even if it’s for a few seconds.This helps.Melatonin the sleep inducing hormone is volatile and if you are close to each other your melatonin can help her fall asleep.Put your heads together and snuggle.This is not just cute but is a fun way of calming your baby down.

Super tip: Mommy should be calm and sleepy too or be good at pretending.If you can’t breathe slowly and calmly this will backfire.

10)Praying together is important and saying thank you.Thankfulness should be an early habit.The more you live with gratitude in your heart more reasons you have to say thank you to God.

Bonus Tip: As the child grows older and she may not need afternoon naps for more than 20 minutes.That way she will have no problem with early bedtime.Share your top tips for putting your child to sleep in the comments below.

Writing this for #MondayMommyMoments.

Today’s Prompt:

How do you put our kids to bed?

MondayMommyMoments prompt 31

#MondayMommyMoments 30 winner is Monika.Read her winning post here!

#MondayMommyMoments 31 Winning Post -Monika

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