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When do babies speak?:Hearing Screening in Childhood

The first time my Rai said “Ma”, it was the best feeling in the world.
She was around 7  months and had learnt to protest vehemently , when she disliked her food .
The Ma was followed by Na (meaning no)
So she learned quickly the two words which got her what she wanted.
Ma was reserved for when she wanted something .Na was when she didn’t want something .Children are so perceptive.They just know what they want.Absolutely no confusion .
 At night when she woke up her one cry of “mamma” was enough to wake me up.
There’s something about the frequency of vibration of your child’s voice .You hear it with something deep inside  .
 Children develop language by hearing .
If they don’t hear well ,their speech may be delayed and may not develop even.
 When can you expect the little ones first sign of hearing and speaking?
 At 1 month: Child’s body moves in response to the direction of the voice.
 At 2 months: Listens to voice and coos.
At 3 months: Listens to music. Says aah,ngah.
At 4 months: Laughs out loud.
At 7 months: Says polysyllabic vowel sounds. Babble
At 10 months: repetitive consonant words.
At one year: Other words than mama, dada,baba.
 Hearing your child speak is the sweetest sound in the world.
 When I hear her call me I really want to leave everything and cuddle her.
 How children know whom to call “ma” is the greatest mystery.

Cochlear Implant: What you Need to know(Part 1)

Cochlear Implant: Who needs it?  ( Part2)

When do Babies speak(Part 3)

1)Nelson Text Book of Pediatrics
2)Scott -Brown Text Book of Otorhinolaryngology
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