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What brings a tear of joy ?

What brings a tear of joy to your eye?

Unexpected kindness,love,seeing an almost dead plant bloom  and when people send me food as gift.

Why does your eyes tear up ?

Usually when you feel great emotions your brain signals the tear ducts to secrete.Depending on how deeply you can empathize ,you shed your tears.

It’s an evolutionary signal that also invites empathy .

For me whenever I remember how far I have come,the blessings I have received ,the love I get from my family and  friends ,I tear up.

My tears of joy are a silent prayer of gratitude.

My tears of joy are my way of saying “thank you Universe”.

My tears of joy are knowing my blessings,appreciating my strength and the joy of knowing …I lived this moment!

Writing this on a WordPress prompt with #BlogchatterHalfMarathan

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