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6 Truths About the Struggle of an Artist!

This is What happened Wednesday evening on the #Blogchatter Twitter /X chat and I couldn’t help sharing my answers to the fun questions. For the entire chat check out the first tweet I embedded.

This post is in the form of Q and A where the Q s are by Blogchatter and the answers are mine.

From the garden

Q1.Tell us where you’re joining from and what is your creative superpower?

Telling stories through words,art and my plants .

Q1.What’s a stereotype around being an artist/creative that you’ve heard too often? #Blogchatter

A.Of the tortured unhappy artist. No one talks about the happy artist.But for me I am happy writing or painting and it’s an instant pick me up for Me ! #Blogchatter
Plus the true artist doesn’t need money.Its difficult if not impossible to create on an empty stomach .

Q2. How does the pressure to create affect you as an artist?

I ignore it.#Blogchatter
That’s the reason this is my 10th year blogging and 4 year painting. October 2024 is going to be the 10th blog birthday.

Q3.  We love our #BlogchatterRetreats to unwind and connect with like-minded creatives. This year we’re having it in Kolkata:…
How in your experience collaboration with a community can help an artist?

It’s wonderful to find a community who can grow together and help each other.The reason I am tweeting #Blogchatter since 2017 .The best Blogging platform in India.I have been part of a few and this is easily the best.

Q4.  How do you see social media shaping the identity and visibility of artists now as compared to before? #Blogchatter

A4 The organic reach is tough .The algorithm is tweaked to help the Platforms make money and you get sucked into sm addiction .
Whether it translates into income is something for other people to answer. My blog and my books are still my first choice.

Q5. As a creative, how has your understanding of being a “successful artist” evolved?

A5 I think I realized the biggest part of being successful as an artist or as a Doctor is being happy doing what you love and helping people .Art and the artist both should spread joy .That’s my understanding #Blogchatter

Q6. We all fall prey to imposter syndrome as artists. What do you do to overcome it?

A 6 Watch my daughter sketching and having fun .Creating joyfully with no agenda is my way of beating imposter syndrome #Blogchatter

Sharing a few artwork from 2021 which helped me stay calm during the lock down.Checkout my book Starting a Successful Blog here .

Painting for a calm mind :Looking back
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