The Mysterious Affair At Styles;Agatha Christie

The Mysterious affair at Styles ebook review with a five star recommend

This year while  doing the TBR Challenge I realized I don’t talk about my favorite authors enough.The books I read and reread umpteen times.So just like trying to remember to update the reading list is important so is spreading the word about mysteries and authors you could read and have a good brain scramble unraveling the mystery.It’s not easy to write a who-dun-it as I discover while trying my hand at cozy mysteries.

Book name:

The Mysterious Affair At Styles;Agatha Christie

The plot of this famous story  is intricate and keeps the readers guessing till the end.

The characters:A long list and each quite well defined in their characteristics without  overwhelming the reader.

The climax:Almost there not quiet and then the big bang.

The Setting:At Styles is characteristic of a small-town, the description of the house,the rooms,the help and the general ambience is like a well fitted dress-drapes and flares with grace.

Readers remember how the book made them feel.They remember about the characters they like and don’t and how interest the plot was.But they don’t always remember whether the setting was perfect or whether it was technically well written.

That’s why Agatha Christies debut Hercule Poirot novel is such a favorite.Its perfect in all four .The plot is detailed and draws th reader in while keeping them guessing.

This month Blogchatter told us to share about our favorite couple from books for February TBRCHALLENGE. I choose Hercule Poirot and Hastings.They were different men from different times, but their friendship and chemistry made those stories come alive.Hastings embodies the reader is all their false guesses while Hercule Poirot delicately unravels a scandal and catches a murderer.A detective and their side kick share a unique chemistry that is crucial for the story to go forward.

Official overview

An English countryside, where the opulent Styles Court becomes the stage for a sinister crime. When the wealthy widow, Emily Inglethorp, is discovered lifeless in her bedroom, the idyllic estate is shrouded in a web of suspicion and deceit.

The Mysterious Affair at Styles

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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.

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