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Simple Steps for Conserving Nature

It started in 2020.But the seeds were planted in my childhood. I had a school project,where we had to take care of a small flowering plant,over a few months and bring it to school,as the project submission.

It was winter and I bought a pansy plant.I coloured the pot ,talked to the plant and it flowered.It was a yellow brown pansy flower with their cute butterfly shaped flower.What I didn’t know was that the hollow stems of pansy plants, made them sensitive to even little birds hopping on them.A sparrow hopped on the flowers and my pretty plant had fractured stems.

Flowers in my Garden

The submission date was soon and  I was sad that this happened and then I put cellotape on the stems and within a weeks time they looked so much better.  I had another new flower blossom just before the day of submission. I told this story during presentation and my project came first.It sounds simple but my worry  that week was another level.You can’t bargaining with nature.

My teacher said while many of the other plants looked smarter,prettier and had more flowers,mine looked like it belonged to a family and not from a nursery.

Lessons I learned about plant care then was going to be my lifelong friend.

The garden we planted in 2020 is our greatest pleasure during all seasons now.We stay there for quiet weekends,we host picnics,parties and sometimes just visit in the evening for chai and gup-shup or for playing  badminton.

The flowers are always ready to smile and bloom for us and nourish us with their produce  .

Conservation starts at home

Steps for Conserving Nature

Conservation and sustainability go hand in hand.We plant local plants and trees.Not exotic varieties which can cause trouble.

Planting a mix of flowers, fruits and vegetables ensure we have a sustainable garden not just a pretty one.Remember plant what you eat or what you like looking at,is not just as an investment,it’s  a way of life. It needs to be a balance.

Restoring barren lands and preventing trees from being cut down is a thing we do as a group of friends. Again sustainable with friends.Plus more fun.

Share your nature gifts ,so that kindred souls might have their passions ignited.

Don’t stress it, but do it as a project.Small steps at a time.Focus on your home,family home,ancestral village ,community park,community spaces and see how things improve one day at a time.

Conservation is not just for the future .It’s today.My daughter wrote this script Go Green plastic is obscene .

This is part of Blogchatter blog hop and my #CauseAchatter

Madhabilata,Plumeria, orange Ticoma and Yellow Alamanda in one frame.Planted in January 2021 ,it’s been three and a half years of  having them in our life.Thankful,Grateful,Blessed🙏
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