I am a reader. I plan to read my way to becoming a gazillionaire.
I read in an article ,that there are around 199 billionaire women in the world. Of these one third owe their status to their husband or father .Telling this to my hubby I had an interesting answer .
He said there was one more ,in the making !That was a joke(on his part ) .But it got me thinking.Why are women having so much problem making money ?
Is it because we lack a business brain ?I don’t think so .Women infact suffer from the problem of perfectionism. We want meaningful lives ,preferably with someone to share it with.That derails our career goals and money ones too.
So what’s the way out of this loop?
Use your creative brain ladies. Find hacks ,books ,blogs anything you can get your hands on .
With that journey I share a glimpse of my reading list today. I love reading inspirational books which give psychological hacks to a better life.Our life is too short to make all mistakes and learn . Better to learn from the lessons people have already learnt from.
These two books
Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris Awakening the Giant within by Anthony Robbins were lurking on my list for sometime.
February seems to be the best time to start reading them. It’s not as stressful like the beginning of the new year and not yet halfway down .So a nice comfortable second month. It’s also the month of Love .
#Bookslutthursdays with #Shalzmojosays was one way of getting the Reading list out in the open.These tomes are worrying me.I might just need to extend February to 60 days.
I believe you can truly improve yourself ,when you love yourself .Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris give us a bird’s-eye view of the tactics ;routines and habits of billionaires and icons
In Awaken the Giant Within Anthony Robbins teaches us to tap into our inner powers and improve our lives.
When I was a teenager I used to love reading Reader’s Digest.
Reader’s Digest used to have great stories to make you get off the couch and plan your life . That’s why I am always on the hunt for life hacks . Other people’s experiences which will make me do more. Other people’s struggles which will help me stop the struggling. Other people’s fears ,which will make me face mine.
I am lucky to be living in a small town . Working full-time and still being able to take care of my baby .My hubby babysits when I work and duties are adjustable. So life goes on .I do have certain restrictions. I can’t travel for conferences.Nor can I go for workshops .I have no one here (except my hubby) ,who is a friend.I have little backup when I am ill. There are hardly any place to shop and what the restaurants serve are little to write about. But I still feel blessed .Except occasionally like today ,when my hubby is busy and I have no one except Rai to give me company. Sometimes the small things in life, like a cup of coffee with a friend or a carefree date night is what I miss most .But there’s a reason why I am here. I want to be one day ,be able to live location independently.
Maybe a trailer cum helicopter is the answer.If you want to read one of the books,go for Tools of Titans.Its a better organized and more helpful book.But I am a Tim Ferris fan since the time I read Four hour workweek.His books will help you connect the dots.
Have you ever learnt from a self help book ?Comment below to let me.