My Learning Journey with Internshala: Writing Creative Content Easily

My learning Journey with Internshala
My learning Journey with Internshala

Once upon a time in 2020, I took a Creative Writing course conducted by Mr.Kulpreet Yadav. It was life-changing.

Are you looking for a no-stress way of learning creative writing, without getting overwhelmed? Then check out this review.

When I was sent questions about my Learning story with Internshala for a contest, I submitted the following.

I didn’t win the contest, but guess what? Like a true blue blogger I kept all my written content saved and sharing with you today is my learning story with Internshala in a Q and A form.

When I started blogging, in 2014, I had no writing experience. I was writing only academic papers, case notes, study material, and prescriptions. Creative nonfiction and fiction were nowhere in my vocabulary.

But I read, learned, and started writing. I still kept looking for a course or a resource to help me write better, something comprehensive and not overwhelming. An overview that would help me set my writing basics on the path while managing my regular life and career.

How did you find out about Internshala and Internshala Trainings?

Then lockdown happened, and one day scrolling through my Twitter feed, I saw a tweet by Mr. Kulpreet Yadav. It was about a Creative writing workshop which he was going to take. The platform was Internshala. I did a quick look through the site, liked what I saw, and signed up. It was one of the best things I did in lockdown. The primary reason I took the course was the teacher. Then the course structure and there was also an opportunity to win a prize. Though I didn’t win, the challenge helped me push through in completing the course.

What was your objective behind taking Creative Writing training?

I wanted to learn the various aspects of writing to help me write better. I am an ENT surgeon, and I never aspired to be an author. It was too tricky and needed a lot of mental jumping- the off-the-cliff, which I am not fond of. But writing found me. I like learning on the job, but I like structured learning too. That’s why the Internshala creative writing workshop with a user-friendly structure was perfect. I realized I did it even when things were going crazy. That was a significant boost to my self-confidence as a writer.

What features and/or modules did you like the most?

Before taking the workshop, I wrote nonfiction with a few random attempts at fiction. Editing was always a big headache. But the training gave me the tools, resources, and practice to attempt a short story. It also helped me polish my nonfiction content to a great extent. Breaking down editing into little doable steps makes it less painful—That’s why fiction writing, nonfiction modules, and editing were my favorite.

How did the training help you achieve your goals?

After taking the training, I published my first short read fiction on KDP in April. 
I also uploaded my fifth book in the Nutrition Secrets nonfiction series this July. Both are now available on Kindle Unlimited. Taking the course helped me understand how to stay the course of fiction or nonfiction in a disciplined manner.

How are you applying the knowledge gained during the training in your real life?

In real life, the training has helped me plan my author journey better. It has helped me pinpoint my weaknesses and work on my strengths. It also taught me how to finish work on a deadline.
The best part is the training is value-packed and affordable. Thank you, Internshala, for helping me do more with less.

 The nonfiction book I published

Fiction Short story I published after finishing the course.


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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.

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