Leisure Activities and What they taught me

I started painting in 2020 pandemic because I couldn’t visit the flower gardens and nurseries.I started writing stories in 2020 because that was the best way to forget what was happening.Painting,gardening and writing Cozy Mysteries are my favorite leisure activities.

The Art this month

I am grateful I can still create as an adult.Because once we stop feeding our creative soul our childhood is gone forever.

There are Always Flowers for Those who want to see them .

Dr.Amrita Basu

Now three years down the line that time seems to be like a bad dream.which has taught me more about myself than I ever thought possible.

I realized I need to listen more.

Listening is your most powerful tool to deal with the world.

Just playing with painting

Listen to people,to birds,bees and what the trees and flowers whisper.

I need to stare at flowers more often because they are so full of optimism and light.

The Golden Hibiscus

I learned I can be better every day and kindness really is the best gift we can give each other.

The Ultimate Blog Challenge has the best,kindest and the most inspiring group of bloggers and Paul Taubman is one of a kind.I don’t know any other Challenge where people follow the rules,have fun and learn so much.If more people where like my Ultimate Blog Challenge friends,the world would bloom.

Because Art and creativity is sustainable

If  all of the Kings had their Queens on the Thrones

Kings and Queens Ava Max

These kings and Queens are the kind of people I like .Hope you know a few like these too.Because the world can be better when we support each other and not trample each other.

It’s about living happier.Together.

But if you can’t do that,pick your battles with care.

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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.


  1. You are so right, many people are waisting so much time and energy being nasty to each other. Life is short enough, you should be able to enjoy it and be kind and happy!
    Glad you found an outlet with your paintings!

  2. It’s amazing how we come up with ways to cope and it sounds like painting and writing worked for you. As for the UBC, I’m so glad I stumbled on it in January 2016, Paul is awesome for keeping this going and it’s great to keep up with our blogging friends even when it’s not a challenge month.

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