11 Reasons to buy Jetpack WordPress Premium plugin(Video review ): Gift for a Blogger Friend


Jetpack is a plugin most WordPress users familiar with. The free version is feature-packed, and many never explore the paid version.

This festive season when you plan gifts for your family and friends, remember this for a blogger friend/family. Check out the Blogging resource page for more ideas.


#1 So Jetpack WordPress plugin has a free version?

Yes, it does, and you don’t need a credit card to get started with it.

How good is the free version? Its a useful plugin to get started for people new on the blogging scene, who want to get started quickly.I used it for five years.

#2 Publicize the Scheduler

But I was searching everywhere for a pocket-friendly scheduler for my blog posts, and I found it accidentally. Now publicize is a part of jetpack free version too. But it allows you to share on social media, only when you publish.

But with the premium model, you can easily share or schedule sharing of your tweets and facebook posts as many times you want right from your WordPress dashboard.

Can anything get better?Yes, it just did.

#3 Video on your site

I was also looking to host my own videos without crashing my webserver resources. Video hosting is a tricky business. If you have read my post on why video is something to make a part of your digital media offering.

I am talking about Video press and video hosting on the amazing WordPress cloud without stressing your host server. You can also host audio files and unlimited images. This took a load of my head about hosting my own podcast and videos, not just embeds.

#4 Payment button

 Recurring or one-time payment option. Use blocks to ad buttons and accept payment on your site for digital products you sell.

#5 Security

Security checks including blocking brute force attack and monitoring uptime

#6 The support

In case you run into any problem you can reach out to support for help. That’s always helpful for those DIY ing their blog.

#7 The Price of Jetpack Premium

The price of the premium version is affordable and is feature-packed. With secure payment through net banking, I could get my premium jetpack started quickly.I bought it at 3570 INR for one year, that’s 297.50 INR per month and within my budget.

jetpack premium plugin review

#8 It helps with automatic Website backup with Vaultpress.

This is another big headache out of the mompreneur’s head.

#9 Automatic malware scans

WordPress is a free Content management system and many of the plugins you and I use is free. This means the people who are busy trying to hack websites often target them. That’s’ the bad news. The worst news is they can infect thousands of sites through one poorly secured website.

Everything I know and learn while Blogging. Don’t forget to subscribe.

The good news is you can protect yourself . Jetpack is one way . The other ways include regular virus scanning. Never downloading themes or plugins from random sources. Checking the reviews before using any new theme and plugin. Always take a backup regularly and before any change is made to the website.

# 10 Media Hosting on WordPress

All images, videos, and podcast files are uploaded on their cloud, with CDN and will not weigh down your site. Lazy loads image to make your page load faster.

#11 Monetization

As a WordPress user, this option of monetizing through ads look promising. The ad dashboard lets you choose between ad at the end of the post and/or at the beginning of the post. For better user experience I prefer ads at the end. Jetpack only allows family-friendly ad content and that’s one thing you don’t have to worry about. The only problem is you have no control over the actual ad as it’s automated through their platform.

Is Jetpack for WordPress any good?

Its the most natural solution for solopreneurs.If you are managing your online business and managing ten other things, you just don’t have the time to manage different interfaces.

If you are someone who wants to prioritize your health and family while growing a business, you must focus on hassle-free ways to improve your blog. Write a post, maximize social media presence without overwhelming, and still enjoy the lifestyle business you created.

Jetpack is my second paid plugin after completing five years of blogging and believe me, I research everything online and offline before spending my hard-earned money.

If you want to surprise your blogger wife, friend,family who is struggling to grow her blog, this may be just the gift she needs.

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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.


  1. I was familiar with Jetpack and am.using the free version. Your article has given me plenty of more information and value for the paid version

  2. I didn’t know that the Jetpack premium plugin came with so many added benefits. Will definitely check it out.

  3. Jetpack is a great tool to manage our blogs. I still have the free version and have been contemplating to get the premium one soon
    Thanks to the details here for accelerating my decision.

  4. Thanks for sharing the details, it is really helpful read for me as I can understand more about WordPress plugin

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