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Is Universal Free Healthcare a Mirage ?

When its Healthcare,we need quantity,quality ,care ,time,equality  all carefully gift wrapped and available round the clock.

But everything is  governed by the purse string .High quality care,at minimal cost for everyone on demand, is utopic and is what many Government try to give.

Since health is personal,food choices,genetics,environment is personal,addiction choices are personal  -uniform healthcare which is universal  is looking illogical and opposite of practical.But that’s the unicorn all countries are chasing.

But saying that its important for the economically backwards to have free healthcare,to prevent the debt burden.

What happens if you try to give this benefit to everyone ?What happens when this population continues to chew tobacco,smoke and drink country liquor?Lets see what happened all around the world before we do anything else?

NHS that is  the National Health Service in UK came into effect in 1948.It is a long running healthcare model.It serves a country with a population of a fraction of India.It has a population way less than India.But they are struggling with their coffers because healthcare workers must be paid .If the system doesn’t earn money ,how do people get paid?How do medicines,infrastructure get funds.NHS is partly being privatized .That’s the 2025 News.Karl Steimer has unveiled this plan to help serve more than 6 million people waiting for at least that many procedures!

Budget for the NHS for  2024/25 was £176.9 billion.They plan to reduce elective surgery waiting time for 65% people  to 18 weeks .Waiting time for nonurgent consultant led treatment is upto 18weeks.

Its also people’s choice or autonomy.They have the choice to wait,choose subsidized healthcare and get subsidized care in the long run or pay money upfront to visit a doctor quicker.

Economics of Healthcare cannot be ignored.Tobacco,alcohol,unhealthy lifestyle,ultra processed HFSS food,poor sleep,poor environment are factors which can be changed by the individual .

In India we actually have State ,Central Government hospitals where free treatment for almost everything is possible.We have a Government free health insurance scheme called Sasthya Sathi in West Bengal , Ayushman Bharat rest of India which is taking it’s toll on the state and centre’sexchequer but is definitely helpful for many. We also have private insurances and doctors at private clinics and hospitals available with direct payment.The outpatient care is affordable to most extent .Surgical cost depend on the city,type of care,facilities and surgeon.

With absolutely free Government Healthcare I have often failed to understand the long term logic of insurance companies, being the middle- -man in Government health schemes.With my limited understanding its probably to give care through public-private partnership for situations not covered at Government hospitals.But that is a burden which must be assessed in the background of easily available cheap tobacco,indigenous local liquor,employment in tobacco factories causing havoc to those most at risk.

Tamara’s blog post on the Ultimate blog challenge made me realize how the different Healthcare design across the world shape the health and choices of people there .A lot to learn.

Here’s the blog post I am talking about

In Switzerland people are expected to be responsible for their own health and Healthcare insurance.That’s the reason may be people are more likely to have less health issues there.Give Tamara’s post a read and let me know about the healthcare model in your country.

I think access to qualitycare should be available for all ,with tiered payment system according to income ,insurance and a good health score that helps those who build good habits and avoid addictions.Tobacco and alcohol cause a huge healthcare burden and the decision to curb access to them may go a long way in saving our youth.But I am just a small cog in a giant wheel .Things do become clearer as we grow older and some problems maybe are meant to persist  .

These are all questions that need a conplac planning,maybe a  scoring system like video games where good behavior and good health should be rewarded?

Is free quality healthcare sustainable?What do you think is a good middle path?

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