10 Things I would do if I were a Superwoman

My fondest wish is one day, someone will discover my superpowers.

Like Dumbledore found Harry.
Someone will tell me  I have magical powers, I just needed to train.
That it’s suppressed magic, waiting to unfurl.
There is a long list of things I would do.
One post is too short.
But I have to start somewhere.

This weekend,a list of 10 things I would do if I were a Superwoman. 

#1 If  I were a superwoman I would expect people,to stop polluting the air water and soil.

Tell them to  stop  noise pollution

Who makes a mess of their own home?

Mother earth is our home.

 Don’t make it dirty.

#2  If I were a superwoman I would teach everyone to fly. It’s important to learn basic flying . You can fly at different levels and there’s less traffic.

#3 If I were a superwoman I would put an invisible shield around India, to protect us from terrorist attack.A shield that will work as a boomerang.

#4 If I were a Superwoman I will make all mothers the choice of working from home or from the office.

#5 If I  were a superwoman I would make    Child abusers and rapists have exemplary punishments . The type of punishment will never allow them or others to repeat the crime.

#6  If I were a superwoman I would tell our PM that we need a ban on, the lack of family planning and population explosion.

If you have 10 kids there’s no way you or the government can help you.

We just don’t have enough cloth to go around.

If I were a superwoman I would zip zap zoom population explosion. Because unmanageable numbers make, poverty, illiteracy, and poor health impossible to tackle.

#7 If I were a superwoman I would want all women,  to see through the nonsense and lies people tell. That way they can protect themselves from marrying the riff-raffs and all the heartbreaks that go with it.

#8 If I were a Superwoman I would tell people, that having faith and hope can help you have superpowers too. So never stop believing in yourself and the almighty.

#9  If I were a Superwoman I would tell you the secret to staying young and beautiful forever.

The only way is to keep your heart kind and loving, your soul innocent and your mind forever learning. To read and learn. Always, forever.

#10 If I were a Superwoman I would make chocolates that have zero calories and zero side effects.

It would be jam-packed with deliciousness, vitamins, and probiotics and taste even better.

If I were a superwoman I will tell you the truth, without having a thought about political correctness.

You will like these too-

If I were a Superwoman

Letter to you, my Daughter

15 Startling Realizations: Letter of an Optimist Mom

15 Secrets You Must Know Dear Daughter

Thankful Thursdays and being blessed

7 people I need to Say Thank you

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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.


  1. I’ve already channeled in my super power. Inner peace !
    That I guess is my current super power and its really working. But you have this awesome list and I wish I could eat all I could and shop all I could and travel all I could and if everyone could do that I guess most problems around us would get sorted – coz of all the happy hormones..

  2. This is great. I love your pure intentions and how you would strive to make the world better if you were superwoman.

  3. Sounds like you already are super-woman. Those are some really wonderful things to want to share with the world and I’m glad you’re using this blog as a platform to do-so. Keep it up!

  4. Ah, we all wish we were super-humans one way or another right? I love what you said at the end, I think its just important to speak our mind regardless of being a super-woman or not 🙂

  5. I really likedthe points you made, and the point about honesty! It’s so important in our everyday lives, we tend to overlook it often.

    xx Heather || stormywheather.com

  6. I love all of this! I’d also love to learn to fly. I would have a blast. I am with you on the chocolate thing too 😉

  7. You are a superwoman 🙂

    I’m with you all on them. But, in this moment, right now, #10 speaks to me. Mainly because I ate half of a large pizza last night. UGH. Why is pizza so good and so unhealthy?! God grant me the superpowers to eliminate the calories from my system.

  8. Such a wonderful list there Amrita! Almost all of them are major issues that we need to tackle without a delay – population, pollution, social evils. And we need to address them urgently on an individual as well as social level. Glad to know that you share the same concerns and are willing to take steps for it if not as a super woman then as a woman who is super!! 😀

    1. Thank you so much Omkar .Glad you found this doable urgently too.
      Hope I can make enough people read this post to make this a movement. ????

  9. I think you can do many of these things without being a superwoman. Of course for certain things like making zero calorie chocolates, even if you are a super woman it would not help. Having a magical wand will help though 😀

    1. Yes you are absolutely right.Many of these thing are written with that very thought in mind.Unfortunately it’s not something anyone can do alone.Collectively yes.
      As for the zero calorie chocolate,I refuse to take impossible for an answer ????.
      Thanks for visiting

  10. If you ask me, you are already a superwoman Amrita. A superdoctor, a supermommy, a super techy and a super helpful friend and a guide. Enjoyed reading this post. More power to you and your blog. 🙂

    1. Oh Deepa ,you are a sweet heart.I am so glad you liked the post.Thank you so much for your kind words .We can only try to do our best and encouraging friends like you make this journey a lot of fun.

  11. I hope you get to be Superwoman soon, Amrita!
    This is one of your best posts, funny with wisdom between the lines. I LOVED reading it!
    I won’t be surprised if you win best post for it!:)

    1. Hee hee thanks Mayuri I thought this was the best way to sat all the difficult things I wanted to say without sounding preachy.
      These are very difficult times.

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