Hey it’s okay:Women stop the guilt trip

Women suffer from guilt.All sorts of guilt haunt us .That’s why this interesting prompt by Amber (originally from Glamour magazine)  called to me.This   is   relaxation therapy .I couldn’t resist writing .

Women stop being hard on yourself .You deserve the best .Just don’t stress  it .

Here goes my list for Hey it’s okay…

To not go to the beauty parlour for a year .Seriously there’s no option .I am mortally afraid of strange parlour women giving me surprise eyebrows.So I choose stylishly bushy eyebrows .


To not visit your relatives except when invited.More likely people will behave and not say awkward stuff.Invitation after all comes with expectation of  normal behaviour.

To stress before night duty and demand a piece of chocolate.They are rationed by hubby .I am a recovering sugar addict .We all need life support in the form of chocolate right ?

To expect to be pampered on women’s day.I Am expecting gifts.

To try to exercise everyday .Yes trying has made me fitter and set realistic goals .This trying has helped me make this a daily habit .I get a headache from the reminder my brain sends, when I don’t get on the treadmill! For the days when I have loads to write and want to be on the treadmill, I walk and write with my makeshift treadmill table attachment.When I want to run,I get the wood slab  off !Its definitely not mindful.But you do what the Lord guides you to do.

To get irritated when people lie .Expectations are the root of all evil . Apparently people have no problem  being dishonest But thats there choice.Coming to terms with this one .

To feel strongly about things and avoid saying it ,if  it helps no one.Yes I know suppression leads to outbursts .But believe me it’s not a good idea to say everything you feel.

To eat before anyone else, if it stops you from being crabby .Low blood sugar makes everyone cranky !Milind Soman says he eats his dinner by 7 pm.That’s the secret behind his fitness evem at 50.

To want to travel to a beach every weekend.Who wouldn’t right? But I don’t like packing and unpacking so frequently .So maybe once a month? I need to write more travel posts to get this going.

To enjoy time alone with hubby .It’s a must .Don’t go down the guilty lane. Happy parents mean happy family.

To  admit you don’t know it all.Nobody does anyway.Just doing our best where we are with  what we have.Bluffing is what people get good at with time.

To be worried about the earth’s future.What with terrorism and pollution  ,man has limited choices.

To get ready to fight.   You never know when it might be useful.

That’s it for this time .The crazy list comes to an end .
I am linking up with the fun prompt by  Amber

Also linking up with #mg


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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.


  1. Oh I eat too much chocolate! Seriously addicted! Yes more beach trips sounds good, but I don’t like the packing and unpacking either. As a woman, and a mother I feel so much guilt but I am letting it go! #mg

  2. Laughed our aloud at ‘surprise eyebrows’ Yes, chocolate is a must, even a bit of it!
    To admit you don’t know it all, is always the way to learn!

    This was such a fun read! I am doing this too!:)

  3. How true Amzee. The guilt trips is what makes us FINALLY burst out. Feeling guilty and then not doing stuff, makes us so resentful and moody all the time. We need to appreciate ourselves better and let go of all the guilt.
    Meaningful writing as always Amzee ????

  4. I’m with you, I cannot stand when people lie.

    I also love my chocolate 😉 I do have a bit of a sugar addiction too.

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