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Hepatomegaly – The Symptoms & Causes

Hepatomegaly :Syymptoms and Prevention .Do you know why your liver is enlarged

Hepatomegaly :Syymptoms and Prevention .Do you know why your liver is enlarged

Hepatomegaly – The Symptoms & Causes

Hepatomegaly refers to a medical condition in which the liver is swollen or enlarged beyond the normal size. As far as the size of the liver is concerned, it depends on factors such as gender, age, body weight as well as shape.

What are the Symptoms of Hepatomegaly

At times, there may not be any symptoms of an enlarged liver. However, if the condition is unusual, a person may experience some of the common symptoms listed below:

Apart from these, some patients also experience, itching, swelling in legs, and vomiting. If the symptoms or signs persist for a long time, it is essential to consult a doctor at a liver transplant hospital in Delhi for diagnosis and suitable treatment if diagnosed with Hepatomegaly.

In case the symptoms become serious or life-threatening, the patient must seek immediate medical care. Some of the best healthcare providers at Max Healthcare include doctors like transplant surgeons & hepatologists who can help the patients in getting the best treatment on time.

Some of the life-threatening symptoms of Hepatomegaly are:

Causes of Hepatomegaly

Some of the causes of an enlarged liver include:

Some other less-common liver diseases that may cause excessive swelling in the organ are Liver abscess, Amyloidosis, Schistosomiasis, Primary sclerosing cholangitis, and Primary biliary cirrhosis.

How to prevent it?

Prevention is always the best option in case of medical issues. Here are some of the ways that can reduce the risk of Hepatomegaly if followed diligently:

Following these tips can decrease the chances of a liver disease.

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Disclaimer: This is meant for an educational purpose and for sharing information.All medical and surgical decisions should only be taken after proper consultation with your doctor.As medical science is a fast evolving branch some information constantly needs to be updated.Read my full disclaimer here.

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