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Happiness,Optimism and Health:The magic potion

I have struggled  with anxiety  and bouts of lows  for sometime.

Gardening, exercising,reading books ,Pinterest and Instagram have all played their part in helping me feel better.

Optimism and Health


But the most important  thing was probably me practising thought control.
Basically  whenever I felt a situation  or conversation  was tending towards something which could make me sad .

I  aggressively  stopped myself from continuing that train of thought or words.
Very difficult  and often it makes you feel like two of you pulling at your brain.

But from my own struggles I can tell you, the only way to be mentally healthy is constantly practice positive  thinking.

 That’s when I came upon Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Happiness post .It was interesting  how all these wonderful women focused on being happy. Life is short.It’s too short to live unhappily. A happy smile has a much deeper effect than you perceive.

Positivity and health

The mental and physical effects of positive thoughts and optimism  are much more than just the obvious.

In an interesting  research done by Barbara Fredrickson  certain effects of positive thoughts  have been described which will have a widespread effect on how we think about optimism.


My Questions


Finding the answers to these questions  were important  to me as I was  trying to decide the priorities in my life.

I started  my favourite  part of writing a post :Research. The best thing about researching health ; wealth and wisdom is that you always gain something.

My research discoveries …

What determines


Positive  thoughts and general feelings of happiness have mainly two major influences:
1)Genes.Yes genetics have a hand in this too
2)Environment. How satisfied you are in your personal  and professional  space place a large role in making you happy and maintenance of this upbeat mood.
So just like everything else your happiness  quotient is also in your control.
But what about genetics?
Some families have tendency or genetic predisposition  to certain disease.
So does this mean they will all be suffering  from that disease .Not necessarily.
When  people have tendency to be overweight and they eat uninhibited and don’t exercise  then just blaming  the genes will not work .
External or phenotypic expression of  your genes ,have a lot to do with environment.
Controlled diet and exercise  helps people stay physically healthy.


Similarly practising gratefulness  and positivity  helps you stay mentally healthy.
You are not a slave to your genes.
You are restricted  only by the walls you have built yourself.
Happiness is a learned habit,which you can develop yourself


Happiness Myths:


Refusing to be practical doesn’t  make you happiest.

Happiness  is also not something  which is a one time stop,from which there’s  no return.
Overall happy mood has a lot to do with a balanced mood of general wellbeing rather than feeling euphoric.

So how can we practice being happy?

Optimism Happiness and Health :The magic potion


10 Science backed tips:

1)Exercise:Release endorphins  which are natural mood elevators.
Read how you can get rid of chronic stress.

I have seen even 30 min of walking or running ,everyday helps me keep blues away.

If possible walk in a park .Any activity that brings us close to nature  activates the happy  and positive part of your brain.


2)Enjoy every moment :Be mindful
Mindfulness is the very first step.If you are concentrating on the task at hand ,it’s easier to banish negative thoughts.

I use Om chanting mindfulness meditation  and gardening to help myself become more calm and content.
3 )Maintain a gratitude journal

[Tweet theme=”basic-white”]Grateful people are more positive and more likely to be happy :Robert Emmons[/Tweet]

To practice  gratefulness  is to live better.Sometimes it’s difficult ,but it’s those very times when you need to be more consciously grateful




4)Have Empathy
5)Do something that makes you happy everyday.

Read a good book ,garden, chatting with a friend,learn  a new skill,paint (love adult colouring books),cuddle and spend time together as a family.
6)Catch up with  a friend.

Optimism is a friend magnet.

Make new friends.
Thank someone for some help.
We are supposed to be  the average of five people we spend the mist time with.

So be careful whether you are surrounded by optimists and doers or naysayers.
7)Help somebody. It might be something  very small but it will make you feel good.


I  have started answering  health queries  on Lybrate (a doctor -patient health portal).
8)Day Dream about something which you want.
9)Remember something  good that happened  to you.Memories!
10)Forgive somebody



So what are the health benefits of being an optimistic happy person?

1)Better cardiovascular  fitness when compared to other age and gender matched population irrespective  of genetics .
2)Much better immunity and healing power.
Stress  increases cortisol level in your blood which affects both your ,heart,moods and immunity.

Related:Optimism and Immunity 
3)You enjoy better quality of life.
4)You sleep more soundly
5)You live better and longer.

The shortcut
You can control what you think.
Think positive
You feel happier
You are healthier.


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