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Hair Loss Myths and Facts:How to Control Hairfall?Reasons|Solutions

Hairloss Myths & facts

Hairloss Myths & facts

Hair loss myths and facts are a zillion-dollar industry. While I attempt to reveal the truths behind it, I plan to improve my hair health too. How to Control Hairfall? If you are not sure about the answer to this, you must read this and save your hard-earned money!

How to Control Hairfall?

Alopecia or hair fall has two forms, Scarring, and non-scarring. Non-scarring hair loss the hair shafts are gone. But the hair follicles remain. That’s the good news. This is why; non-scarring alopecia is a type of reversible hair loss. Scarring alopecia occurs due to some disease and has associated fibrosis (scarring), inflammation and loss of the hair follicles. If there is no hair follicle present, this kind of alopecia is more difficult to treat. A smooth scalp is seen with a   reduced number of follicle openings. In some cases, only a biopsy helps identify the exact type of hair fall.

Hair fall reasons:

Skin disease, drugs, lifestyle factors, and systemic diseases can all be a direct cause or associated factor for hair loss.

Scarring alopecia: Skin causes: Cutaneous lupus, lichen planus, follicular decalvans, linear scleroderma, even traumatic.

Systemic disease like lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis, cutaneous metastasis.


Hair loss facts


Non-scarring alopecia causes:

Primary skin disease: Alopecia areata, Telogen effluvium, Androgenetic alopecia, Tinea capitis, Traumatic alopecia.Systemic diseases: Lupus erythematosus secondary syphilis, thyroid disorders, both hyper and hypothyroidism, hypopituitarism, protein, deficiency of Iron, Biotin, Zinc.

Common drugs causing alopecia: warfarin, heparin, propylthiouracil, carbimazole, Vitamin A lithium, beta-blockers, amphetamine, isotretinoin acitretin. Spontaneous regrowth of hair can occur when you stop these drugs. Always consult your doctor before making any changes in your drugs.

Truths which you must know: Female hair loss occurs in androgenetic alopecia where there is an increase in the blood level of androgens most common in ovarian or adrenal gland dysfunction. If there are signs of virilization (male signs), such as deepened voice we have to rule out ovarian or adrenal gland tumor. Female pattern hair loss commonly doesn’t cause baldness. It may cause thinning of hair at top and front. It can occur anytime in life but more incidence postmenopausal period.

Hair loss female pattern

Alopecia areata is a type of patchy hair fall which can be confluent, or diffusion pattern Evidence of autoimmune reaction, against an unknown antigen of the hair follicle Like your body zone cells hits your hair hips

Alopecia areata is associated often, with other autoimmune disorders like generalized vitiligo, lichen planus, morphea, lichen sclerosus, pemphigus foliaceus, atopic dermatitis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, endemic goiter, Addison’s disease, pernicious anemia, lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus.

Hair Fall Treatment

This one is a zillion-dollar puzzle and industry. Traditional medical hair fall solutions are :



Best Hair fall remedies which have worked for me

The less trauma you cause, the more hair you have. I tried the Cysteine treatment, twice. It does improve the appearance and feel of the hair initially and make you ramp ready. But the frizz comes back worse than before. Now after one year, it’s much better. Even after being a doctor, I believed what the Hair salon people said, just to make my hair look more picture-perfect. I can imagine their effect on other people.

Heat and chemical damage is irreparable and will give you a permanent place as a customer in Hair salons! Movie stars have the budget and they get paid to look that good. If you have the budget, for expensive hair repair work for life, then the choice is yours.

If you have a medical condition causing hair fall, you will need to get your blood tests done. This will be prescribed after visiting a physician and a skin specialist. Systemic diseases like anemia and hypothyroidism, are big culprits when it comes to hair fall. Obesity, pregnancy, childbirth, drastic weight loss, malignancy, post-surgery, post-chemotherapy or radiotherapy always have predictable hair fall. You can talk to your doctor to get the best solution for your specific condition.

In Conclusion

No one treatment fits all. You must tailor it according to you and your hair!

Updated November 2019


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