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Greening the Planet :India plants 66 million trees in 12 hours #WATWB

The world is facing a crisis.All the greenery that we have thoughtlessly cut down over the lasts several years need to be restored if we want our children to live in a living world.

Honouring the Paris Agreement the Indian government has to spend 6 billion dollars to restore 12% of its land to forest.Not easy when you consider India’s bursting population.

But that’s another story.The Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh garnered tremendous support when 1.2 million people worked together for 12 hours on 5th July 2017 to plant 66 million trees all along the Narmada river in Madhya Pradesh.

News like this makes me happy.It’s like people and politicians finally discovering their brains and common sense bone. Hopefully, this is not a one-off and this will be a change for the better


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