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Feeding your preschooler:Ultimate guide

My daughter is 4 and a half years old. Meal times nowadays are more fun and relaxed than before.But it’s still not a breeze.

  As a mother, I have learned that there really is  no simple single solution to  feeding  your  child. It’s a challenge, which you  have to  win.      

I practically learned to cook so I could feed my child! My mom and sis  are super awesome cooks.So growing up,I only went to the kitchen to clean up.That was my delegated chore.

Even during college when I went to Delhi for my post grads I had a limited set of recipies under my belt, which I used to recycle every other week.

But to feed a child you constantly have to reinvent and innovate.It has to be healthy, tasty, fresh, appropriate for age, etc, etc.These were top tip from my Hubby! 

The  most  difficult  time for  me  was  when I  started weaning  her. That’ definitely, topic  for a book! 

(If  you  have  just  started weaning  your  child  write to me drabhijit@healthwealthbridgeand. com  I will send  you  all the do’s and   don’t.)

The  next  milestone for  feeding is when your baby is  a  preschooler.

Is your child a Preschooler?

Does every  mealtime seem to  be  totally uphill ?

Mealtime=Battlefield? Fussy eating? Picking at  food, pushing food  away, tantrums  during  eating  ? You need  a  solution  now.   Don’t  lose  your  temper, it  will  just make  the  problem worse.

Eating healthy starts from home

I have a solution  ….

Ultimate tips  for  feeding fussy  Preschoolers.

  1) Make meal  times  family  time.   Have  fun  at  meals.Eat  together  as  a  family. Include  food  from  all food groups so  that  your  child gets  curious and  wants  to  taste them.

The  more  you  enjoy    your  own  meals as a  family  , more likely  your  child  will learn  to  look  forward  to  her  meals and  enjoy  them  more.   Eating  all  meals  together  may  not  be  possible. Try  to have   at least your  breakfast and  dinner  together!  

2) Cook  tasty  healthy  food one  item on  your  plate easy  to  share with  your  child. Offer  food  from  your  plate.When  child  sees you eating  different  types  of  food , he/she will  be  more  wiling to  try  new   food  items.  

3) Maintain  a  daily  chart of  what  your  toddler eats.The  calorie  count will  help  you  decide  on  further  dietary  needs. Rotate and  change  food  items  you  give  for meals  and  snacks. Just  like  you,  your  baby will  like  variety in  her  meals.   The  biggest  reason  for  food  refusal  is often  boredom  with  the  food  she  is  offered.  

4) Avoid  sweets, chocolates , fries, chips  and  fast food before  meals These foods cause satiety  but  doesn’t fulfill your  child’s nutritional  needs.   Fun  food  like  these   should  be  offered  as  positive reinforcement or  bribe.   If  your  child  has her  meal without tantrums then  she may  be  given a  small treat.

  5) Make  it  a  rule  to  make  your  child try   at least  1  new  item  of   food   everyday. This  way  she  will  have  variety  , as  well as a  balanced  diet.

  6) Make  a pact  with  your  child At  each  meal your  child must  try a  food atleast 5 times  before  he/she  can decide  to  not,  have that food. By  that  time you should  be  able  to  make  her  have  a fair  amount  ! Then  allow  her  to  have  one  item  of  his/her choice.

7) Feed   your  child  when  he /she  is  hungry. Children eat better when  they  are  hungry,. Give them the  new  food item ,as  the  first food  to  try .Hunger will make  them  more  likely to  eat the new food. Definitely  avoid snacks too close  to  mealtimes.

8) Cook with  your  child at least  show  her the veggies, fruits, cereals which are needed to  make  her  meals. Ask  him/her  to  help  you make the  preparations.Being  involved  in  the process often  make  them more likely  to try these food willingly!

Some other articles which offer deeper insights:

5 Best Wipes for Baby: Everything you want to Know!

10 Reasons Mother Sparsh has the best baby wash for sensitive skin

6 Best Baby Oil for Baby massage in India

10 Best Natural Baby Lotion for Babies in India

Best Baby Laundry detergent

Baby face creams I love

Baby bottle cleaners

How much should my preschooler eat?

Why is feeding your preschooler such a Big deal?

You know that  your child needs energy to play.They  also  need the  right amount and right  type of  nutrition   for growth. But  as a  preschooler  they  have  one more  challenge… They  have  to  Learn!  

As  a  mother you  will not  only  be  building her body  for  a  healthy  life  , but  also be responsible  for providing  her with the right equipment  to  make  learning  fun and  easy.

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So what should  your  preschooler


They  can  be  offered the same  food as the  family. Offer  them  variety, but  not  too many  choices at  the same time.  

Experiment with different, consistency, cooking  methods for   cereals,  pulses, vegetables.   Ideally  their   daily  food  intake should  include   food  from   all  groups.

Cereals, vegetables, fruits, proteins including   animal  proteins,milk all are  needed  for the complete physical  and  mental   development.  

Meal   plan   Guideline

Cereals:   Rice, roti, bread, oats

 Proteins: fish/lean meat/eggs/chicken Beans, peas, various  dal Milk  group:  milk, yoghurt, cheese

Fat:    butter, oil, ghee  .

You must also read

Healthy eating what young children need

You  should  be  careful  with  food that  may   cause  choking.

What   food  may  cause Food  Allergies?

  Common  food  includes  milk,  eggs,   peanuts, other nuts, soybean, wheat, fish, shellfish. If  you  feel  your  child  may  be allergic to  certain  food  definitely  talk  to  your  doctor.  

Symptoms  of  food  allergy:

Cramps pain  in  abdomen, bloating, flatulence, altered  stool, itchy rash.  

Special  tips  for  picky  eaters

The  new  food  should   be  offered  at  the  start of  a  meal,  when   child   is   hungry.  

that   your  child  loves+whatever the family  is  having.  

formless  food  may not  be  to  everyone’s liking.  

Offer  incentive  to   try  others.    


Other posts in the Childhood obesity series :

If baby is a picky eater blame yourself:Healthy eating habits in children (part 1)

Picky eater : When you need to worry(part 2)

 Childhood obesity :The control is in your hand(part 3)

Childhood obesity : Healthy eating habits & You (part 5)

What  are  good  healthy  snacks for  your  preschooler?

Crackers, toast, air  popped  popcorn, vegetables cut  Into  cubes air  fried/grilled with  a  dip. Cut  up  fresh  fruits,  home-made  curd, grilled paneer,   milk  plain/flavoured, custard with  fruits, pudding, hard  boiled  eggs.  

Take Away Message

So  the   top  tips  for  making  your preschooler  eat  well  are:

I  hope  this  guide  helps  you  feed  your  preschooler. Bringing  up  your  little  one  may  be  your most  difficult   lifetime  project, but she/he will definitely  be  your  most rewarding!!For more such articles check out my blog.

 Need more  tips , subscribe  to  my Healthletter

(This  guide  was   compiled  after  discussion  with Dr.Abhijit Misra,   pediatrician, a.k.a  my hubby)

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