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Creating Hope through Action #WorldSuicidePreventionDay Awareness

Mental Health is serious. Having suicidal thoughts is serious.Depression is serious.You need Qualified Medical help and medicines.After you get through to the other side you can work on lifestyle factors, therapy,and all the other pillars that help improve and sustain mental health but not before that acute phase is over.

The theme of WSPD(World Suicide Prevention Day (on 10th September)2023, “Creating hope through action.”

I am not a mental health specialist but I am a registered doctor practicing modern medicine in India where I understand health is a complete balance of physical, mental,emotional, social, environmental and professional health.Often one or the other might be causing trouble ,but your daily functioning should not be affected.

In case of a fire anywhere you must call the firefighters.Do your bit while you place a call to the Firestation.

If you feel your close friend or family needs help take them to a registered Psychiatrist not anyone else, not social media mental health practitioners, not meditation classes,not self help life /health/mental health coach.

Many themselves share that they themselves have serious mental health problems and your sharing with them will cause transference if symptoms on both sides plus it’s quakery and punishable by law.

Precious time is lost which will never come back.

How best to find a good Psychiatrist?

I know how to find a qualified one.Good or not you will know after visiting.Go for a reputable clinic where the doctors registration number,qualifications are clearly mentioned on the prescription pad.You can check the registration number online for verification of doctor.

Visit the doctor, get your medicines.Go with an accountability partner because depression will cause lack of insight and sometimes you will need a push to get started.Talk to your doctor about therapy,diet,exercise.Talk about your stressors.Be clear about your need for help.Its not going to be easy,but if someone has shared suicidal ideation you must tell them to seek medical help.That is crucial.

I hope the seeking medical help part I have stressed enough.I know there is difficulty accepting help for mental problems,but remember your problems make you stronger .So own it and then get it treated with care.

I am writing about Creating Hope through Action with CauseAchatter and BlogchatterHalfMarathon.

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