Some books want to be written. Some books are there in your heart, but don’t want to appear in the real world. Some books are just afraid to be!
Childhood Obesity and adult life: Powerful truths no one told you!
This book is a part of the last category I mentioned.
The link and below you will find the link. It’s free to read on Kindle Unlimited the world over.
It’s a short, nonfiction. But it took me a long time to write it. Its technically my first book in the Nutrition secrets series, but is finally seeing the light of the day as the fifth book in the series.
Childhood obesity is a pandemic. Ironically, I finished writing a book on a pandemic during another pandemic. The elephant in the room though is the word pandemic.
A disease that spreads in multiple geographical regions simultaneously.
Not respecting the borders of nations and with not a care in the world. Pandemics are not worried about how many lives the effect, how many people fall on the way.
But we do.That’s why this book.
This is a step by step book of the obesity problem. The aim is to help prevent childhood obesity’s cruel grasp. But it addresses all the issues that cause obesity.
The last section deals with the misconceptions about the food we eat.
I have included tools, resources, and calculators to help you take the next step in getting back the control as a parent.
Awareness is empowerment. But the difficult work starts with you reading and implementing the book.
My Pediatrician husband edited the book. His interest in eating right and daily habits helped me unlearn many of my own not so helpful lifestyle.
Ultimately it’s your lifestyle, the food you put inside your body, and how much you move to help you get fitter.
It’s not too late to start. Ever.
It’s about starting whenever, wherever you are, with the resources you have. I promise it will help.