Air quality is very important for me. I have always been careful about clean air in my home.I try to have more indoor plants and dream of a greener India. Air pollution levels make me worried.We need to work on present solutions while rebuilding the future for our own health and for our children.
I am passionate about planting more trees, making forests if needed and vertical forests , we still need a working solution for clean air especially for children and elderly.Clean air is a basic right.We shouldn’t need to fight for it.Right?Unfortunately the more polluted air you breathe in, the more your brain and your system slow down.Probably that’s why the pollution has polluted the brains of the people in power!
While I can’t clean air everywhere, I focus on my zone.Where I live, work, travel.
The government is trying to cut down on the sale of such adulterated fuel, but it’s still a long road.The weird thing is that these people who use them, don’t remember(or refuse to believe) that they are poisoning the air which they breathe themselves.
- Increased population and vehicular congestion have made matters worse.Traffic jams make vehicles move at snail’s pace.The lower speed makes the fuel inefficiently utilized that is another important cause of increased pollutants.
- When speed is 5 -20 kilometers per hour, emissions are 4 to 8 times more than when it was 55 to 70 kilometers per hour.(3)
The pictures are scary and they made me very worried.It’s important you know the quality of outdoor air in your locality before you let sensitive children, sick adults go out.Particular times of day may be worse.That’s why you need to take some precautions.
Health hazards and the color of your city:
- 0 to 50: Good Air Quality you are Green.You don’t need to worry
- 51 to 100: Moderate.Acceptable air quality.But may be a problem for few.Active children and adults, people with re disease, such as asthma, should not spend long time outdoor. Yellow
- 101 to 150: Unhealthy for the sensitive group.Orange
- 151 to 200: Unhealthy for everyone.Red
- 201 to 300: Very unhealthy.Purple
The Solution to keep you safe, till we work hard and get the earth clean:
Car Air purifiers will help make the air breathable in cities while traveling.That’s why the launch of two Car Air Purifiers from Philips has made me happy.
While you travel and the AC is on, the air inside the car is still not clean.It has the particulate matter from the environment and the Volatile organic carbons(VOCs)emitted by the interiors of the car.A car air purifier will help clean the air of both these harmful elements.
Why should you breathe clean air as much as possible?
Why should you bother about PM or particulate matter?
Particulate matters are suspended fine particles and liquid droplets in the air.These droplets contain
- Acids
- Organic chemicals metals soils or dust
The size of it helps in categorizing.
- It has a big role in cardiovascular(heart )health.
- Cerebrovascular (brain)health
- 13th leading cause of death worldwide.
- 800000 Premature deaths every year.
Breathing trouble increases in people with lung diseases. High PM in the air makes respiratory distress worse, more instances of medication, visiting doctors, and poorer quality of life.
Why VOC(volatile organic compounds) is a cause for worry if you are a mommy?
VOCs can cause, nose and throat irritation and foreign body sensation.
Complaints of headaches and nausea are common
Long term effects include damage to liver, kidney and central nervous system
Some of these can cause cancer in animals, some are suspected or known to cause cancer in humans.
Benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, p-dichlorobenzene, methylene chloride, and trichloroethylene are the six VOCs found to have human carcinogenic effect by several regulatory bodies.
Exposure of VOC s to pregnant women is said to influence the IQ of the child.While research continues about how much is too much you don’t want yourself or your child to become pegs in the statistical pole.
Check Air Quality of the city where you live in real-time at
This site gives you an exact breakdown of the pollutants in the air, in which you live in.Know when you should avoid being outside.
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1) “Indians have 30% weaker lungs than Europeans”. Times of India. Sep 2, 2013.
3)Science & Engg. 55 (2): 127–142.
Matthew Barth; Kanok Boriboonsomsin (November 2009). “Real-World CO2 Impacts of Traffic Congestion”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2058: 163–171. doi:10.3141/2058-20. Archived from the original on 2016-05-30