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Book therapy for mental health:Can books heal you?

Book therapy for Mental health

Book therapy for Mental health

Book therapy for mental health is being researched all over the world

What is your happy Book?
What makes it your happy book? Why do you love reading it? 

Book therapy for mental health: Can books heal you

Often in the daily  business of everything, you forget to unwind.
You need to take a short’ me time break ‘every day.
Just like your body feels tired so does your mind too.
The best breaks are those, that provide  relaxation for both mind and body.


For a healthy mind,  3  things are crucial:

During my school days ,summer holidays meant devouring books .Morning noon and night .

Stephen King says reading during meals can make you unpopular.I was  scolded quite often for this naughty .My favourite  is still a nail-biting murder mystery.But can’t really do the reading during meals in front of the little one.


There’s something about solving a murder that makes me feel happy.When all problems  seem too big.Solve a little mystery.That’s bound to help you feel better.


Have you heard of bibliotherapy?

Bibliotherapy is a little-explored branch.
Bibliotherapy (or healthy reading) has been defined as ‘using written texts, computer programs or audio/video-recorded material for understanding or solving problems about a person’s development or in meeting their therapeutic needs’.(1)

Books are researched as self-help aids in Cognitive  behavioural therapy. 
Words  are powerful.
A healthy reading list can help you  heal from inside.

It’s showing promise as self-help or assisted therapy in  mental health challenges like:


It is used as an additive therapy.It can decrease antidepressant dosing and help prevent relapse(2-5).


Bibliotherapy resources include:(4-7)

Sometimes this can be used as preventive therapy too.

Healthy reading could be  useful  if you have issues with
depression ,but not keen or able to take antidepressants.

Books can influence positively or negatively.Choose your reading list with care.Words can create magic.Words are powerful.That’s why reading is a self-healing habit.

That’s why the “Chicken soup” series is so popular.

What you put in your reading list is as crucial as what you put in your mouth.

Have you ever used books to help you heal?Share your healing book in the comments below.
Link to the Gutenberg library.
Link to Bibliotherapy  resources.


1)Marrs RW. A meta-analysis of bibliotherapy studies. American Journal of Community Psychology1995;23: 843–70 [PubMed]
2)Cuijpers P. Bibliotherapy in unipolar depression: a meta-analysis.Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 1997;28:139–47 [PubMed]

3)Papworth M. Issues and outcomes associated with adult mental health self-help materials: a ‘second order’ review or ‘qualitative meta-review’.Journal of Mental Health 2006;15:387–409
4)Apodaca TR, Miller WR. A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of bibliotherapy for alcohol problems.Journal of Clinical Psychology2003;59:289–304 [PubMed]

5)Nelson G, Loomis C. Review: self-
Nelson G, Loomis C. Review: self-help
interventions improve anxiety and mood disorders. Evidence-Based Mental Health 2005;8:44. [PubMed]

6)Reeves T, Stace JM. Improving patient access and choice: assisted bibliotherapy for mild to moderate stress/anxiety in primary care.Reeves T, Stace JM. Improving patient access and choice: assisted bibliotherapy for mild to moderate stress/anxiety in primary care.

7)Anderson L, Lewis G, Araya R, et al. Self-help books for depression:
how can practitioners and patients make the right choice? British Journal of General Practice 2005;55:387–92[PMC free article] [PubMed]

8)The introduction of a healthy reading scheme for people with mental health problems: usage and experiences of health professionals and library staff.Roma Robertson, MSc, Steven J Wray, BA RMN CPN (Dip), […], and Rebekah J(Pubmed)


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