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World Health Day :Universal Health Cover #WorldHealthDay

7th April is World Health Day and WHO wants you to help the world pledge its sincerity for the goal. #HealthforAll that is Healthcare facility available for all.If you want to know what Universal healthcare involves and what it doesn’t you must read further.You also need to know. how you can bring about a change right where you are.

But there are a few corollaries.It needs to be timely and quality healthcare.While thats the best way to go forward as a race we cannot ignore the economics of it.

Its easier to teach educated people about health easily.So shouldn’t #EducationforAll be the goal?For all this goal money is needed.But then shouldn’t #FamilyPlanning for all be a goal too.Let’s start with what we have where we are.Right?The chicken or the egg?Which comes first?The National Health Protection Scheme is partly a step in the right direction but the National Medical Council Bill is controversial.

The Goal of WHO is Universal health Coverage .What does it mean?

This is what WHO says:

UHC means that all individuals and communities receive the health services they need, when and where they need them.It will prevent people from being pushed into poverty when paying for health services out of their own pockets. UHC will help everyone access the services that address the most important causes of disease and death. UHC is about health services for individuals and populations, such as controlling mosquito breeding grounds.

At least 50% of the Worlds population is unable to access the healthcare they need.

Did you know?

Globally, approximately 100 million people are pushed into ‘extreme poverty’ (living on $ 1.90 or less a day) because they have to pay for healthcare services.

All UN Member States have agreed to try to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) by 2030, as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Good health allows children to learn and adults to earn, helps people escape from poverty and provides the basis for long-term economic development.

What UHC is not: There are many things that are not included in the scope of UHC:

UHC is more than health.It is about equality, social inclusion, and cohesive society.But we have a problem.Even when people know things are bad for their health they indulge in wrong lifestyle choices.Not once a but repeatedly.This action is common to both the educated and the uneducated sections of society.Maybe there should be penalties associated with expecting free healthcare after chewing tobacco for twenty years.Or maybe Government needs to take a strong stand on selling and buying products which are proved to endanger health and quality of life?

In a balanced society you would expect the adult human will be capable of deciding about good and bad.But evidence is contradicting that theory.

How can you help?

Planting trees, maintaining cleanliness in all neighborhoods.Try to encourage community kitchen gardening in association with socially and economically backward sections of surrounding regions.

The above can  help in several ways:

1)It will help everyone get fresh food grown locally with more control over quality

2)The fresher the food is more is the nutritional benefits.You are what you eat .If food is high quality , health and nutrition is easier.

3)The collaboration between different strata of society will help in social inclusion and the dripping down of economic stability to the various strata while ensuring self-respect and honest earnings.Charity is not involved but a co-operative model.

The 16 essential health services(4 categories) that WHO uses as indicators of Equity of Health coverage

Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health:

Family planning:The work starts here .The question is who will be the cat before its too late.

Antennal and delivery care
Full child immunization
Health-seeking behaviour for pneumonia.

Infectious diseases:

Tuberculosis treatment
HIV antiretroviral treatment
Use of insecticide-treated bed nets for malaria prevention
Adequate sanitation.

Noncommunicable diseases: Lifestyle diseases fall into this category

Prevention and treatment of raised blood pressure
Prevention and treatment of raised blood glucose
Cervical cancer screening
Tobacco (non-)smoking.

Service capacity and access:

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