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Why do you Blog?

Why do you blog?

Blogging is what’s happening inside my mind(almost) expressed online on my blog through the written words.

Human Body for Kids-A Look Inside You by Dr.Amrita Basu  is my latest book .It’s a book to help kids 5 to 15 years have a quick understanding about what’s inside your body.Its Free for a limited time.

It happens to be a wonderful way of

Self Therapy

Checking out minimum viable topics for later elaborating as books.

Finding my flow


Self discovery

Clearing the mind

Sharing my experience

Taking a stand

Sharing my professional knowledge

Because as you know

“The pen is mighter than the sword “-Edward Bulwer-Lytton

With the social media “influenzing” bubble running low on steam in more ways than one,my blog is the one constant place where I like writing.

It’s my online digital library for my daughter  ,for all the things I want to tell her/teach her/show her .I might forget,not find the right words or run out of time in the physical world.But on the internet archives my digital content will live (I hope).

I am writing this with the #BlogchatterHalfMarathan

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