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This is what I learned in 2018: Life’s like that in Review

A year in review is enlightening. I like writing more about positive stuff than negatives.ButTim Ferris wrote something which struck a chord. In his newsletter, he mentions about reviewing the hits and misses in the year gone. Your experiences all teach a lesson. The lessons you learn from your experience will help you chart a clearer course. That’s called wisdom.

That’s why even the negatives I write about are not negative. They are lessons in disguise.For me and maybe for you.

This is what I did in 2018

I hosted the Super Blogger Challenge with the super hardworking Dr.Bushra.We started supersocialbiz with a plan.

I published 3 Books this year. From  Nutrition Secrets series; Probiotic and Life: Probiotic Food (Nutrition Secrets part 3).
With the Blogchatter Ebook challenge, I started my Blogging in India book series.I  published a book on Starting a Successful Blog and 7 Blogging Challenges for a successful Blog You will read a lot of how to, shortcuts from bloggers who write only on blogging. But what I share is for regular people who want to start blogging the no-nonsense way. Absolutely no one tells you how it is 90% times and the ten percent who do tell you are the people who have tried, tested and decided to share their stories. How do you know whether what they are claiming is true?
Check their blog. Look at their site traffic and you will know what I am talking about. If you are already a blogger, you obviously know this. If not, this is a heads up.

Life like that

Favorites in 2018 

My top 5  picks for most helpful blogs are:

My Favorite Podcasts

I also started my own Podcast on Anchor and started working on my Youtube Channel.

My Favourite platforms who helped

I grew as a blogger with their help.

Favourite Book

Big Magic

Life’s lessons from 2018

People are what they are. You are not going to change their nature.I made mistakes while choosing whom to work with. By God’s grace chaos was prevented peacefully. Sometimes work ethics don’t match, and that’s okay. What’s not okay is getting bulldozed. Try to find common ground if that doesn’t work, make a clean break.

You must ignore FOMO(fear of missing out) if you want things to make sense. I may have missed out on a few things. But that’s part of the plan.No one can do everything all the time. You need to see what makes you happy. For me, writing makes me happy. Being faithful to my vocation makes me happy. Sharing my professional knowledge (I am a medical doctor with an MBBS and MS in ENT-Head Neck surgery) to help promote everyday healthy living.

It’s not okay to promote controversial unproven healthcare, nutrition, or financial articles.
As a blogger, you are a potential celebrity. You have a real responsibility of keeping this profession authentic, the rest, as they say, is your choice. Just remember you may one day be reading an article, just like that. If you still want to do, please give proper disclosure and disclaimers.

Keep writing no matter what. I wrote at the New Delhi airport while waiting for a connecting plane. I wrote at a small hotel at Chota Mangwa while drinking cups of fragrant Darjeeling tea. I wrote when I was happy, sad, busy, tired, overwhelmed. I just wrote. It helped me, and I always hope it helps you. That’s still the number one goal of my blog
Helping people.

When you think you know people, they surprise you with something unexpected. Then you would want to hug them or run from them. I got both types this year.

When you want something it’s easier to do something about it, than crib about how no one is helping you.

Opposites attract and birds of a feather both are true. I still haven’t found the best explanation for this.

The only way to exercise the brain is to challenge it. That’s what I do every time I try something new.

I  realized why editing is so difficult. As humans, we don’t like looking at our own mistakes. We like it even less when others point it out.

My hubby is my best friend for the last eighteen years and because of him, life’s easier. More news soon. This review post is going crazy. How can you review hours of work into a few words? Life’s lessons I hope I learn better and not repeat the same.

My word of the year: Productive.




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