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10 Things About Being a Reader That I Never Told A Soul!

If you are a book worm you already know this. If you want your kids to be readers, you must read this.If you want to read more yourself, you have to read it, bookmark it, save it on your desktop, and revise it weekly.

My journey with books started early. I was a precocious reader and my choice of some books,needed monitoring . That’s something I can see looking back. But overall those books helped me cure my bad habits, learn to choose carefully and become a doctor. Reading also helped me become a self-employed doctor and now a writer, blogger, podcaster, and creative content creator in multiple media formats.

Almost everything I did and still do, starts with reading.Books and articles, newspapers, scientific papers, and magazines. If it’s something I would like to know more about, I will read about it. An interestingly written piece means, I will remember what it was about and if I learned something new from it.

Reading helps me learn anything I want to.If it’s something worth doing there’s probably a book about it.

10 Things About Being a Reader That I Never Told A Soul!

On a dinner table discussion last week amongst peers and friends I heard someone lamenting about how kids no longer read story books. That habit, if possible needs to start early and parents can be the best example setter in this regard. Let your kids see you read. That goes a long way in making them realize that reading,is also for pleasure and not just for studying.

  1. Reading helps me learn anything I want to. If it’s something worth doing there’s probably a book about it.
  2. Reading helps me learn how to make sense of the world better.
  3. I learned about past mistakes other people made and tips to avoid repeating them.
  4. I learned about self-help and self-improvement.
  5. I learned to focus on one word at a time and that’s the root of concentration.
  6. Reading can help me master a subject and become an expert.
  7. Reading helped me learn to empathize.
  8. Reading lets me dream.
  9. Reading is my way of finding calm in the middle of chaos.
  10. Reading helped me find myself when I thought I was lost .

Writing this with the BlogchatterAtoZ friend and the Ultimate Blog Challenge friends

Read about Me Being a Happy Doctor and the lessons I learned.

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