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Sunday roundup :Some news and views on originality

The week was eventful .
Two stories broke my heart.
The Navi Mumbai crèche horror .
And the Baduria Child trafficking racket in Kolkata and surrounding areas.
In difficult times you pray harder .To give you double the strength .For survival and for fighting.
What is the world coming too?
I am still too shocked to discuss it .
Rather I am praying for the families and the children who have to depend on day care.

On a lighter note …

Blogchatter has asked us for our blog  goals .Goals are important.
Specially  when you have a dream.
Dream + Goals+Action Plan =Reality


My blogging goals for December


1)Complete at least 1 course from The Genius bloggers toolkit.
Implement it.
Review it.
Post results on  the blog .
2)Read 1 book from the bundle .
Review it.
Apply the information . Make it a case study.
Blogging  I have realized is a science and art at the same time . 
The science of stats with  the art of content.
For you to know what is working ,numbers are important . After all we want people to read our blogs .
3)Write regularly
Read even more.
Not let the wonderful momentum of  #MyFriendAlexa     die.
I just finished Blog to Book by P.R.Newton from the ultimate bundles . Review is going to be up soon .
Want access to my top takeaways from the Genius bloggers toolkit ? 
Just subscribe to my email list below and I will give you access to it ,as soon as it’s up.
This week I wrote  about   Noteban and it’s impact on small town India . It’s not  something ,which most city dwellers know about.
 I have lived in cities my entire life .Except the last three years.
It gives you a different kind of perspective . 

Some thing I realized 

Very few of us are inventing the wheel.Most things have been already said .By different people in various ways.
When I write about health information .It’s already there in many books.A lot of confusion  is there on the Internet .
But do you know the truth.How do you know right from wrong about information?
There is no real Internet police.
Is originality difficult ?
Is it overrated ? 
What about lies?
They are   original ,if nothing else!
Why don’t people like liars then ?
The same thing affects different people in different ways.
Siblings grow up  together.
They have the same  home environment with similar genetic profiles  .
But become different personalities.
So also with content.People are overloaded with information .They want the answers.But quickly.
That’s what is special about blogging . 
Your voice and experience colours your writing.
Will your content shine?
How can you make it easy to read and digest? 
Long or short?
Pictures or no picture?
That’s the  journey .Finding what works !
My post which gets the most organic traffic from Google is  hardly 300 words .
But it solved a pain point.That’s important .
Solving a problem.
That’s my number one December blogging  goal .

What did I write this week?

If you have missed them.


Thanksgiving &Thankful Thursdays (4)

Newborn babies common problems:What parents must know

Truth about Bow legs:What you must know

Friday fotofiction :The brain exercise

25 Tips to avoid over eating during holidays

When do babies speak?

This was my featured post for Monday Mommy moments

Why do you read blogs or books ?
Comment below to let me know . 
 This is my Day 29 post for #NaBloPoMo
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