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Pros of Kindle Unlimited for Self Publishing plus Free Book download for Kids

I just published my  Human Body for Kids :A Look Inside You

I always enroll my books to the KDP Select plan for  Kindle Unlimited, because even now, it’s the best way to share what I know,to those who want to learn.

When Jeff Bezos started Amazon it was an online marketplace for books which later became the giant known as the everything store.

It was a great idea to have the biggest online book store have my books online.

Kindle Unlimited helps you gift your books for free,as a marketing option.

Ebooks are easy to distribute .

They can be read on phones anywhere in the world.

I can control the pricing and distribution to a large extent.

I can make any edits quickly.

The tech is easy .

The reach is the best without spending money.

I can earn money.

There are two many vanity publishers everywhere who offer the sun and moon and then give you dimes.KDP Select is upfront and you don’t need to spend money to have your book available on the KU library.


There are too many ebooks being published on Amazon daily.

The risk of being lost is real.

The Amazon Ads thing is not really my cup of tea.

My ebook is locked-in on the Amazon platform for the period I enroll it on KDP Select.

Saying that I still like enrolling my books for the KDP select because Kindle Unlimited library is my way of giving back to the world of libraries I grew up in and learned so much from.

Writing this on a WordPress prompt with #BlogchatterHalfMarathan

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