What does your ideal home look like?
Women are born with nesting instinct.Probably that’s why when I read “Love the Home You Have” by Melissa Michael’s helped me come to terms with the nomadic uncertain life of a doctor in a Government job(which is transferrable).
But in 2018 we left our jobs and still stayed put in a small town, which was also close to the village home of my husband.
We had invested in a home in Kolkata which was slow progress like apartment complexes.
But then COVID struck and things took a turn for the worst.
A small rental apartment in a small town was our self imposed home bound addressed.
But our minds and souls were suffocated. We decided to renovate the village home.
The renovation started in Nov 2020 and we started living their on weekends from February 2021.
In the videos below you will understand how the space has evolved.
We also were finally able to shift into our new apartment in 2023.It was a quick event because of time constraints.But that too is a place we visit on alternate months.
But I wanted the space to be warm bright,welcoming .
That’s when I knew what my idea home looks like this-
Bright sunlight streaming into my windows.
Waking up to birds chirping not honks.
Surrounded by a green balcony and green spaces.
Rooms with a view of the sky and the horizon.
Fresh air in the rooms when the windows are open and not pollution.
Soothing decor which boosts my mood and welcomes my family and friends.
Good neighbours who are responsible,have civic sense and are willing to stand together to keep the quality of the neighborhood high.
It’s not easy to build a home ,because it’s more than just the walls,ceilings and decor.
Writing this on a WordPress prompt with #BlogchatterHalfMarathan