Its a moral high ground to claim you are studying day and night .But for me staying awake at night never quite hit the mark.I ended up drowsy ,irrit1able with low energy and upset stomach.Its not easy to continue studying with low energy .
The theme for World Sleep Day 2025 is “Make Sleep Health a Priority”.
During my school days I never stayed up late at night .It was only during my medical college training that the study load made a dent on my sleep schedule.I could wake up at 6 am or go to sleep at 3am .But somehow I was at my best after 8hours of night sleep .So I aimed for the six am morning wakeup rather than be a night owl.
That was a choice I had as a student and I chose my morning .
But when I became an intern, the rotating duty roster and fragmented sleep hit my life ,I fell like the proverbial ton of brick.I had digestive issues,lost hair,pimples,anxiety… the works.I would exchange my night oncalls with my then boyfriend ,now husband which I never did repay .
It was bad ,very bad .But with that, we were also preparing for our post graduation entrance exams.That was worse.Because the stress of forty eight hour oncalls with studying simply doesn’t mix.But a disciplined approach and my bset friend forever (read now husband) we both managed to clear the entrances and we were off to New Delhi to learn to fly.
But here too the night duties struck .This time my hubby was studying to be a Pediatrician and I was training as a ENT surgeon ,different colleges meant I had to do those night on calls.My tummy revolted on multiple occasions throught the three years of PG training whenever I had night duties but I survived dreaming of a future where there would be no night duties.I thought it was the hostel food and classic Delhi belly.
I was going to work at a big Medical College in West Bengal with interns,house staff,PGts ,SRs and a proper tier of work and help …just like it should be.That was how it was in New Delhi where I trained.
Reality struck hard ,fast and cruel.I was going to do atleast 48 to 72 hours oncalls every week and if I took leave it was going to be back to back .The department was short staffed .It was going to get worse and my year six of this struggle ,I had simply had enough.It was time for a new adventure and I wanted to stop chasing the wrong unicorns.
I started my private practice and it has its problem which would be impossible to manage without my husband and all my teachers and well wishers.But I am happy to report I look better ,am happier and healthier and the strongest I have ever felt in my entire life.
Life gives you choices .Many health issues get better simply with rest and a reset of your night time sleep routine.A wind down self care ritual at night will keep you healthy and happy in the long run.So this year gift yourself one ,if you haven’t.